Saturday, June 9, 2012

Chapter 21

I hope you enjoy this post...
Dedicated to @DjJassim

I woke up in the morning to find Lulu snoring next to me.....
I got up and went to the bathroom...
I decided to take a shower....
I took half an hour in the  shower and then got dressed into this:

I wore the peace shirt and jeans short and left my hair down....
"Without the glasses and the jacket"
Lulu finally woke up and went to the bathroom...
While Lulu was in thre bathroom i opened my Blackberry to check on 9ager...

I found that 9ager sent me a BBM...

9ager Al X.....: "Goodmorning sunshine...."

I quickly began to reply...

Shoug Al X...: "Goodmorning...." I put a shy face with it...
9ager Al X.....: "You took a shower?"

I was surprised...
How did he know...

Shoug Al X....: "Eee.... Ishdarak...?"
9ager Al X.....: "Jaber let me sleep over..."
Shoug Al X......: "Ohhh Okay..."
9ager Al X......: "What are you doing....?"
Shoug Al X.....: "Nothing.... WBU?"
9ager Al X......: "I am thinking of someone...."
Shoug Al X.....: "And who is this lucky someone that you are thinking of from the morning...?"
9ager Al X........: "She is pretty... beautiful... amazing... She has a cute smile... and whenever i talk to her she gets a tomato face... She means the world to me.... And guess what...!"
Shoug Al X....: "What?"
9ager Al X.....: "I am standing infront of her door room.....!"

I quickly jumped from my place....
Was he standing infront of my door the whole time while i was talking to him...

9ager Al X....: "I can smell the Herbal Essences...."

"Herbal Essences is the shampoo i used in my shower...."

He was right...
I quickly applied some lipstick...
Rouge Artist Intense Matt Number 4...
I adored this color...
It was just right on my skin color and lips...

I opened the door to find 9ager standing...
He had his ear against the door...
And his Blackberry in his hand...

Shoug: "Shino ga3d itisawee....?"

He quickly moved away...

9ager: "Emmmm...... Mmmmmmmm.... I....... Emmmmmm...... I...... I missed you.... And..... Emmmmm... I couldn't keep away..... I am sorry!"

He put his hand through his hair....
I adored it when he did that...
It made him look cuter...

Shoug: "I missed you too 9ager..." I whispered...
9ager: "9ij..?" He smiled...
Shoug: "Eeee......" I said shyly...

I looked around to see if anyone was watching us....
There was no one...

9ager: "Enzain Shougo..."

I didn't answer..
I looked at the floor...
I was shy...

9ager: "7ubii....."
9ager: "7ubiiiiiii......"

He put his hand on my chin and moved my head slowly so i could look at him....
His hands were warm.... I felt the strongness that were in them...

9ager: "Shougty..."
Shoug: "3yoonha....!"
9ager: "Fedait 3yonha ana....."
Shoug: "9ager bs 3ad.... tara athooob ib kalamik....."
9ager: "Thooobay..."
Shoug: "Waaaaaaaay 9ager.."
9ager: "Bs bs thiglay shway...." He laughed
Shoug: "3ayal 5ala9 lat gool chithy kalam..... Tara asti7ee..." My face went red...
9ager: "Ohhhhh I missed that tomato face...." He pinched my cheek...
Shoug: "9ager bs 3ad...."

9ager looked at me from up to down...
He stopped at my shorts....
Then suddenly he said...

9ager: "Bagloich shay Shoug..."
Shoug: "Shino..."
9ager: "Mamnooo3 you go out of the house if you aren't wearing under the knee..."
Shoug: "3afwaaan.....!!!"
9ager: "Eee shino.... Ma ar'9a a7ad yshoof morty...."
Shoug: "Mortik.....?"
9ager: "Eee Shoug intay morty..."

My face flushed with shyness....
I was so happy that he said i was his wife....
I couldn't wait till that day...
I wanted him to be mine forever...
I wanted him to be next to me.....

Shoug: "Emmm yalla roo7 mabii a7d yshoofna..."
9ager: "Okay Okay..."
Shoug: "Yalla..."
9ager: "Shoug..."
Shoug: "Halla..."
9ager: "A7bich....!"

Suddenly i heard someone's voice...

.......: "E7mmmmmm...."

My heart skipped a beat...
Could it be Jaber
Or 3ami
Or Ali
Or Mama....
I didn't want problems...
Please no........

I shut my eyes and opened them to find...

9ager: "Emmmm ok Shoug take care..."
Shoug: "Emmmmm...."
Lulu: "Shlonik 9ager... Mako salam...?"
9ager: "Halla shlonich..?"
Lulu: "Good Good... Ishda3wa i5tar3taw...."
9ager: "La ma i5tara3na... Shako..."
Lulu: "3alana il 7ub..."
Shoug: "Bs Lulu... Mako shay...."
Lulu: "3alanaaaa.... Mmmmmmm...."
9ager: "She knows....?"
Shoug: "Eeeee...... "
9ager: "Chan giltay min il awal...."

There was a moment of silence...
Lulu walked into the room....

Shoug: "Emmm yalla 9ager.... Go downstairs... Now Jaber is going to come..."
I was about to close the door but he put his foot... Stopping me...

Lulu's eyes were wide open watching us...
And so were hear ears....

9ager: "Shougo a7bich...."
Shoug: "9ager bs... yalla..." I gave him a look...
9ager: "Inzain 5ala9... Lat 3a9b il 7ilwa...."

I closed the door and sat down on the floor giving the door my back...
My heart was beating fast..
I was sooooooooooo happy....

Lulu stood infront of me..
She had her hand on her hip....
She had a big smirk on her face....

Lulu: "Maynooon hatha...."
Shoug: "7aram la tigoleen 3ana chithy... Tara ma ar'9..."
Lulu: "Okay okay la takleene..."
Shoug: "Hhhhhhh...."
Lulu: "Yalla lets go down... I'm hungry..."
Shoug: "Okay okay........"

Lulu began to get dressed...
She borrowed clothes from me...
We were like sisters...
I didn't mind :)
She wore this:

"But without the bag of course...."

I opened the door and we went downstairs...
I saw Jaber and 9ager sitting....

Jaber: "9aba7 il 5air ya maynoona..." He smiled and pulled his tongue out...
Shoug: "9aba7 il 5air ya athwal...." I pulled my tongue out...
Lulu: "Intaw ma tigdroon tig3doon degega without teasing each other...!!!"
9ager laughed....

Me and Jaber couldn't stand not teasing each other...
We adored it... But we loved each other... He was my big brother...
We loved joking around...
It was in our blood....

Shoug: "Yalla wain il akil yo3ana...."
Lulu: "Ana ba3ad.."
Jaber: "Okay shway shway la takloona...."
Shoug: "Hhhhh.. Yalla Jaboor...."
Jaber: "Inzain wait... Taboon ayeeb breakfast or we eat outside?"
9ager: "Lets eat outside...."
Jaber: "Okay yalla goomaw..."

We got up and went outside and went into the car...
9ager was driving...
Jaber sat next to him...
And Lulu and I sat at the back....

Me and 9ager stared at each other from the mirror....
He kept on staring and giving me a dimpled smile...
I adored him....

Lulu: "9ager put on the radio....."
Shoug: "Eee 9ager Please...."
9ager: "Okay..." he gave me a dimpled smile...

Lulu and I began to sing like two mental people....
We shouted our heads out...

Suddenly i got a BBM....
It was 9ager...

9ager Al X...: "Fedait morty il 7ilwa...."

I looked at him and smiled....
He stared into my eyes and gave me a smile...

9ager kept on staring...
I couldn't stand his sparkling eyes...
They were adorable....
9ager wasn't paying attention to the road...
He was staring at me...

Without notice....
We bumped into a car....

I felt as if someone took my heart away...
My back was in pain....
All i felt was glass and blood...

I looked up to find 9ager's head on the wheel...
His face was covered with blood....

My tears began to fall on my cheek...
I was in pain... And 9ager was covered with blood...

I looked out of the window to find a car coming towards us...
It was driving fast...

Lulu was next to me and her eyes were shut and she had blood on her face...
Jaber had his head down and he was covered with blood...

I looked out of the window again...
The driver couldn't control the car...
The car kept coming faster and faster....

The car bumped into our car....
The glass crashed all over my face...
And my leg got stuck...
I was numb....


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