Monday, August 6, 2012

Chapter 15

Hey guys...
Another post :D, I know i am posting a lot but typing stories is so addicting to me...
I LOVE IT!!!<3.<3


My stories are all IMAGINATION AND FICTION, there is nothing that is impossible in my stories, they are all fiction, it's all from my imagination. Don't copy my characters, or be influenced by them, I write my stories for fun and as a hobby, DON'T EVER think Kuwaiti's are like this, cause we aren't, IT IS ALL FICTION, 100%.
I type stories to run away from my real life and live in my own world and imagination for a bit, but i don't do any of this and i will never do any of what's in my stories.
Bil 3aks i am against talking to guys. I have a rule in my life and i am going with it, and i think you should too, "A girl is taken for her future husband, and should never talk to other guys".
Don't ruin your reputation and your parents trust in you for nothing, guys that talk to you don't deserve it, cause if they really loved you they wouldn't talk to you, cause they wouldn't allow it on their own sisters.
If you need help or advice, i am here for you and all my time is yours, you don't bother me at all, it's my pleasure to help.
I am really glad that i helped some people, and i am willing to help more.

Anyways, i hope you enjoy this post, and your comments always make my day, have an amazing day and don't forget to leave your comments below or on twitter or
Love you guys...

I closed the phone and got dressed...
I then got my bag, phone and car key and opened the house door to leave...

I was surprised of what i saw in front of me...

It was Yousef...

Shahad: "Halla Yousef!" I said it in a surprised tone.
Yousef: "Halla, shlonich?!" He smiled.
Shahad: "Tamam, shino yaybik min 9ba7 allah 5air?!"
Yousef: "Kint baroo7 Kuwait University College of Arts, wela at'thakr ena entay tadriseen minak, fa gilt laish ma entay etwadeni!" He had a huge grin on his face.
Shahad: "Laish tabii etroo7 ehnak, 3indik shi'3il?!"
Yousef: "La bs gilt ena ashoof il jam3a, w entay ta36eni tour w chithi, ya3ni bem2ena ma3indi dowam ilyoum!"
Shahad: "Okay, laish la, yallah!"

We walked outside the house together and he got into my car, he sat in the front seat.

Yousef: "Shahood ma ishtagtelii?!"
Shahad: "Hhhhh laish bala?!"

He put his hand over my hand, i gave him a confused look.

What was up with him today?!

Yousef: "Ana ishtagtlich!" He smiled.

I quickly pulled my hand away.

Shahad: "Yalla namshi!" I started the engine and began to drive.
Yousef: "Shahoood ishfeech?!"
Shahad: "Mafeeni shay!" I smiled.

I looked at the road ignoring Yousef.

Yousef: "Shahad sam3eni shay 7ilo!"
Shahad: "Shino tabi?!"
Yousef: "Madre 3ala thogich!"
Shahad: "Okay!!" I smiled.

I put ( You Make Me Happy - Cathy Heller )
I adore the song.
I began to sing along and Yousef just laughed at me...

Yousef: "Entay yanatay!" He continued to laugh.
Shahad: "YOLO dude!" I smiled.

At last we got to the University, i parked the car and gave Yousef a tour. I showed him around the whole place.

Shahad: "And this is all, you have seen everything!" I smiled.
Yousef: "Il jam3a 7ilwa, mashkoora Shahoood!" He smiled back.
Shahad: "Inzain you walk around while i go to my class, cause it is going to start in 5 minutes!"
Yousef: "3adi adish ma3ach il class!"
Shahad: "La Yousef!!"
Yousef: "Please mabi ag3ad ebro7ii!"
Shahad: "Yousef ma agdar, may9eer, walk around, sit on the benchs!"
Yousef: "Inzain inzain offff!!"

I laughed and walked away. I went to my class and saw the girls, i greeted them then sat down, cause the professor came in.
The time went by and class was done. I walked out and searched for my phone in my bag, i had it on silent. I finally found it and unlocked it to find 2 miss calls from Mesharii. I quickly called him while walking out to the garden.

1st ring...

2nd ring...

3rd ring....

He answered....

Shahad: "Alooo Mesho!"
Mesharii: "Shahad wainich?!" He sounded angry
Shahad: "Ishfeek?!" I sounded innocent.
Mesharii: "Laish ma kintay ga3da etrideen?!"
Shahad: "Sorry Mesharii kint bil mo7athara and my phone was on silent, wallah!"
Mesharii: "Okay!"
Shahad: "Inzain ishfeek em3a9ib, 5ala9 ana asfa!"
Mesharii: "Inzain 5ala9 mo em3a9ib!"
Shahad: "Akeed!"
Mesharii: "Akeedan ba3ad!"

I suddenly spotted Yousef sitting on one of the benches in the garden, i didn't want Mesharii to hear his voice, he would get mad that i didn't tell him. So i had to tell him, before he heard Yousef speak.

Shahad: "Mesharii kint bagolik ena Yousef 3indi bil jam3a!"
Mesharii: "NA3AM, w laish, ishyabi?!"
Shahad: "Ohwa yabeni awarii il jam3a!"
Mesharii: "Laish ma 3inda eryool yshoof il jam3a ebroo7a?!
Shahad: "Mesharii wallah ma 9ar shay, 5ala9 please!!"
Mesharii: "Il7een reday il bait!"
Shahad: "Inshallah!"
Mesahrii: "3a6eni akalma!"
Shahad: "Yanat Mesharii?!"
Mesharii: "Eee, ana yanat, fee i3terath anesa Shahad!"
Shahad: "5ala9 Mesharii ana rada il bait il7een, yalla bye!"
Mesharii: "Lat 9edeen il 5a6, 5ali maftoo7, basm3!"
Shahad: "Mesharii ishfeek, tara hatha wild 3ami, laish etshik feeni?!"
Mesahrii: "7ata law! Shako etroo7en ma3 Yousef, entay ma est2thantay a9lan!" He was yelling.
Shahad: "Laaaa ent u9lan ma etgoli wain ray7 aw wain rad..!"
Mesharii: "Shahad min youm w ray7 mamnoo3 6al3a ma3 Yousef hatha bedooni!"
Shahad: "Mo kafik Mesharii, hathi wild 3ami, r7 a6l3!"
Mesharii: "Mako 6al3a!!" He yelled.

He closed the phone in my face.


I walked towards Yousef, and i sat on the bench, beside him.

Yousef: "A5eerna 5ala9tay?!"
Shahad: "Eee..!"
Yousef: "Ishfeech?!"
Shahad: "Wala shay, bs ta3bana, Yousef ana abee arid il bait, u9lan mo7atharaty 5ali9aw!"
Yousef: "Okay yallah emshay, ana r7 asoog!"
Shahad: "Hahaha very funny, in your dreams, it's my car!"
Yousef: "Tara wallah ma r7 akilha!"
Shahad: "Kafi, sayartii!"
Yousef: "Inzain inzain!"

We walked to the car and I drove home, I was so pissed the whole way home. At last we got home, i went out of the car and made my way to my room, ignoring my surroundings.
Yousef called my name several times but i ignored him, i just sat in my room and locked the door. I changed into PJ'S, i prayed then sat on my bed with my iphone.
I took out the ring Mesharii gave me and stared at it, i tried it on then took it off and put it back into the cupboard.

I then decided to call Wedad.

Wedad: "Aloo halla Shahad!"
Shahad: "Lazim akalmich Wedad!"
Wedad: "Mako salam?!"
Shahad: "Sorry bs wallah it's important!"
Wedad: "Goolay!"
Shahad: "Ilyoum........." And i told her the whole story.
Wedad: "Shahad tabeen il 9ij?!"
Shahad: "Eee!"
Wedad: "Ohwa ma3a il 7g!"
Shahad: "Laish?!"
Wedad: "Okay let us talk serious now, if you saw Mesharii going out with Aisha would you get jealous and get sad from him?!"
Shahad: "Akeed!"
Wedad: "Laish? It's his cousin!!!! Ya3ni if he knows you're out with yousef, even though he is your cousin, you don't want him to get mad!"
Shahad: "97 kalamich!!! Offfff il7een shino asawi?!"
Wedad: "Call him gurl!"
Shahad: "Emmmm madree!!!"
Wedad: "Yalla 3ad Shahad!"
Shahad: "Okay okay but what do i say?!"
Wedad: "Say that you're sorry!"
Shahad: "Emmmm okay, yallah i will call him then i'll whatsapp you okay?!"
Wedad: "Okay bye!"
Shahad: "Bye!"

I closed the phone and quickly dialed his number.




Mesharii: "Alooo!"
Shahad: "Aloo Mesharii?!"
Mesharii: "Halla Shahad!"
Shahad: "Mesharii ana asfa, 5ala9!"
Mesharii: "Asam7ich 3ala shar6!"
Shahad: "Laaaaa, okay okay, Ameernii!"
Mesharii: "Awal shay, ensay shay esma Yousef, mamnoo3 6al3a ma3a bedooni!"
Shahad: "W ent ba3ad, la ti6la3 ma3 Aisha!"
Mesharii: "Et'3aren??!"
Shahad: "Huh? La shako!"
Mesahrii: "Goolay inich it'3areen w ma r7 a6la3 ma3aha!"
Shahad: "A'3ar zain!!!"
Mesharii: "Hhhhhh, fedat ily y'3aroon!!"
Shahad: "Mesharii bs, asti7ii!"
Mesharii: "Hhhhh okay okay! 5ala9 ya3ni wa3d?!"
Shahad: "Eee wa3d!"
Mesharii: "W fee ba3ad shar6!"
Shahad: "Ba3ad? Yallah gool!"
Mesharii: "Eeee emmmmmm!"
Shahad: "Gool!"
Mesharii: "Goolay wallah r7 asawii!"
Shahad: "Law agdar, laish l2!"
Mesharii: "Gooleli A7bik Mesharii!"
Shahad: "Shino? ma sim3at!" I was lying.
Mesharii: "Gooleli A7bik Mesharii!"
Shahad: "Ga3d yga6i3 il 5a6, mo ga3dii asma3!" I was lying...
Mesharii: "Shahad, adree enich ga3da tismi3eeni, w ga3da tismi3eeni 3adi, bs entay ma tabeen 97! Laish Shahad, ana ----"
Shahad: "Mesharii!" I interrupted him.
Mesharii: "Ana adre inich ma r7 etgoolen w adree -----"
Shahad: "MESHARII!!!" I yelled.
Mesharii: "Halla?!"
Shahad: "Mesharii ana A7bik!"

I quickly shut my mouth after saying these words, i can't believe i just said that.
This is so embarrassing, my face went red and my hands began to shake.

There was a moment of silent...

Mesharii: "Shahad?!"
Shahad: "Hmmmm!"
Mesharii: "W ana amoot feech!" His words were so clear and magical.

My heart started to beat faster. I felt my face heating up and the atmosphere was getting tenser.
We talked for abour an hour and then i went and sat with my brother and sister. I missed them a lot these days.

The days went by and the 5o6ba happened and so did the milcha.
The milcha was the most amazingest day, I was so happy, after the milcha I went out with Mesharii for the first time, we went to this very expensive restaurant on the sea and it was so romantic.

Mesharii: "Shahad!" His eyes sparkled.
Shahad: "3yoonha?!"
Mesharii: "Entay a7la shay 9ar eb 7ayatii!" He put his hand over mine.

I blushed, I was still shy even though he was my husband, it was just the wedding to come, but we were officially married now.

Mesharii's warm hand was over mine making me feel safe. I loved the feeling.

It was the night of my life, i was very happy, it was like i was flying or something.
I couldn't believe what was happening.

We finished eating then we sat on the beach, i stared at the moon while Mesharii sat behind me and hugged me. I loved the feeling of having Mesharii hugging me from the back, he held my waist so close to him and i put my head on his chest. I felt relaxed.

Mesharii: "Laish et6al3een il gomar, et'3areen min jamala? ma3eni ma ashoof jamal akthar min jamalich eb hal dinya, et'3areen min noorah? ma3ena eb 3eni entay il thoo2! entay eb 7ayatii a7la min hatha il gomar, tara hatha il gomar kila 9a5ar!!"

I blushed harder.

Mesharii: "Lal7een tisti7een mini?!" He gave me a look that killed me from inside.

He came closer, and closer and closer, he was so close to me, my heart was beating faster. I swear i heard him sniff.

Shahad: "Emmm ee!"
Mesharii: "Shahad...!"
Shahad: "Hmmmm!"
Mesharii: "Garbaay!"
Shahad: "Emmmm kani!"

He pulled me to him tightly, it was the most beautifulist feeling ever, he was hugging me so tightly, his arms were wrapped around me, i felt safe between his arms, i felt like the world was in his arms, i was dying from inside. His arms were covering the whole of me, i could feel him breath, i closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment, i loved the feeling of him hugging me from the back...

Mesharii: "Shahad dooray!"

I turned around and faced him, he was smiling, i admired his smile, his eyes were shinning, his hair had volume to it, and he looked very handsome.
I looked at the ground, and my face was lava red.

He suddenly put his hand on my chin and moved my head gently up, to face him. My heart skipped a beat at his sight, i was nervous and scared all at the same time.
He gave me this amazing smile, he was too cute.

Mesharii then began to move closer and closer, i froze in my place, i didn't know what to do. His breath tickled me.
Mesharii kept coming closer, there were just inches between us.

Mesharii: "Shahad!" His words tickled my skin.
Shahad: "Hmmmm!"
Mesharii: "A7bich!"

There was a moment of silence, i could hear the sea waves flow.

I was about to answer but Mesharii pushed his lip towards mine, it's like he gave me passion, he made me blind, he took my breath away, he made my heart beat faster, he made my eyes glow, he made my world shine brighter.

After a few minutes he moved away.

He gave me this smile, that killed me.

He was irresistible, he was undeniable.



  1. aahhhhh<3 amazing!
    Wallah so romantic <3 <3 <3

  2. Aghhhhhhhh wallah cuteeee!!
    #TEAMSHARI all the freakin way babe
    Read this story over and over its now my 7th time i read this story, and everytime i go through a chapter that i already read and going to read again i dont know what action was about to happen its like i het surprised by the same thing over and over and i never get bored keep up this work o allah ywafgich

    1. I am so glad you love my blog xxx
