Hey guys... Shlonkom..!!!???
Who missed me...??!!! Hehehehe <3
I am sorry about what happened and guess what i am back at last...!!
I really missed you guys and i missed writing!!
I hope you enjoy the chapter and please give me your comments and feedbacks...
They make my day...
I love you guys..
I fell asleep without notice, i was so sleepy, the last thing that was on my mind was Mesharii!!
I slept like a baby last night, as they say "Kint nayma eb sabi3 nooma.."
I woke up to the sound of my Iphone ringing..
I quickly grabbed it and answered and pressed the phone to my ear without knowing who it was...
Shahad: "Aloo..." I said it crackly
...........: "HELP ME SHAHAD!!! SHAHOOOOD PLEASE SHAHAD" The voice was crying...
I was alarmed by her words..
I quickly sat up...
I pulled the phone off my ear to see who it was...
It was Wedad....
Shahad: "Ishfeech Wedad...??!" I said it in a worried tone...
Wedad: "SHAHAD.... MA... TADREEN.... SHINO.... 9AR......!!!" She was still crying..
Shahad: "Wedad fahmeeni...!!!"
Wedad: "SHAHAD..... HELP...... ME!!!" She was still crying...
I couldn't really understand much of what she was saying...
Shahad: "Wedad i am coming now to your house, 15 minutes i'll be there, yalla bye...!!"
Wedad: "OKAY!!.... BYE!!" She continued to cry...
I closed the phone and quickly got up and washed my face and got dressed...
I then held my bag and my Iphone and went out my room...
I found my dad reading the morning newspaper..!!
Shahad: "9aba7 il 5air yoba..!"
Dad: "9aba7 il 5air 7abibtii, wain ray7a..?!"
Shahad: "Yoba lazim aroo7 ashoof Wedad, 3indaha moshkila!?"
Dad: "Ishfeeha..?!"
Shahad: "Madre yoba, il7een aroo7 ashoof, 3adi aroo7 3indaha??!"
Dad: "Eee okay, bs deeri balich, w la tita5araan!"
Shahad: "Inshallah yoba.."
I kissed him on the forehead and then left the house...
I rode the car and began to drive fast, I was really worried about Wedad, she really scared me!
At last i arrived, I quickly got out of the car and closed the door while calling Wedad..!!!
Wedad: "Aloo!" She was still crying..
Shahad: "Wedad ana bara yalla ta3alay!"
Wedad: "Okay bye!" Her voice sounded tired...
I closed my phone and waited...
Suddenly the front door of Wedad's house opened, out came Wedad...
Her eyes were red and she looked tired from crying...
Shahad: "Ishfeech Wedad, laish ga3da tabcheen!!"
Wedad: "Shoofay shino 9aar!!" She began to cry again..
Shahad: "Wedad don't cry, fahmeeni..!"
Wedad: "Listen, I was sitting in my room when suddenly someone send me a request on BBM, so i accepted, then she started to talk to me and she told me she has my pictures and that my pictures are spread out and she is going to tell my dad..." She continued to cry...
Shahad: "Embayn ina she is lying Wedad..!!"
Wedad: "And if she isn't, bs ana i don't put my pictures BBM, and i told her to send me the picture so she can prove it, but she refused!!"
Shahad: "Wedad yimken hathi erfijtich ga3da tista3bi6, ba3dain itha 9ij 3indaha 9ortich chan dazita, bs ma3indaha..."
Wedad: "Inzain il7een shino asawi!"
Shahad: "3a6eha delete Wedad, and don't accept people you don't know!!"
Wedad: "Inzain...!!" She sniffed, she wipped her tears and stopped crying...
Shahad: "5ala9 7abibtii... Akeed ga3da itchathib hathi...!" I hugged her....
Wedad hugged me back tightly...
After a few second Wedad backed away...
Wedad: "Sorry wallah...!!"
Shahad: "La 3adi 7abibtii, what are best friends for!" I smiled..
She smiled back..
Wedad: "Yalla come in!!"
Shahad: "La lazim aroo7!!"
Wedad: "Bs sa3a please, 3ashani..!!!" She gave me her puppy eyes...
Shahad: "Okay okay!!"
We walked in to the house and Wedad and I sat in Wedad's room...
She showed me the chat and it was so obvious the girl was lying, I then ended the chat and deleted the girl....
After that we sat and talked a bit!
Wedad: "Inzain Shahad dagatay 3ala hatha ily ed3mich...?!"
Shahad: "Emmmm tawa la!!"
Wedad: "Inzain yalla digay 3alaih ebser3a!!"
Shahad: "Emmm Wedad, ana a9ali7ha a7san!"
Wedad: "Yalla 3ad Shahad lat9ereen 3aneeda..."
Shahad: "Offf Wedad!!"
Wedad: "Please..." She gave me her puppy eyes!!
Shahad: "Ya3ni law kintay ib mokanii etdegeen...?!"
Wedad: "Eee....!" She had a big grin on her face...
Shahad: "Emmmmm!!!"
Wedad: "Ya3ni shino r7 ta59ireen, YOLO GURL!!"
Shahad: "Okay okay...!!"
Wedad: "YES!!!!" She had the biggest grin on her face...
I held my phone and searched for his number in the contacts and then called him...
My heart started to beat faster, I was nervous...
I cleared my throat to be able to talk...
Wedad had her ear stuck to the other side of the phone trying to overhear the conversation that was going to happen...
Suddenly someone answered....
Mesharii's point of view...
I quickly held the phone and answered, I really hoped that it was her...
Mesharii: "Alooo!!!"
..........: "Emmmmm Aloooo... Emmmm...!!"
She looked scared and nervous...
Mesharii: "Mino....?!"
............: "Emmmm ana..... Emmmm... Ana......!"
Mesharii: "Eee entay...???!"
............: "Ana ily da3amt'ha... Emmmm,...!!"
Mesharii: "Ooooh w a5eeran dagatay...!!!"
..........: "Emmmm Eee... Ahhhh... Emmmm...!"
Mesharii: "Ishfeech 5ayfa..?!"
.........: "Emmmmm mafeeni shay... Ahhh, Emmm...!!"
Mesharii: "Hehehehe ishfeech, Wallah nikta entay, Hehehhe....!!"
..........: "Ana nikta, wallah ana '3al6ana inii daga.... 5ala9 bye...!!"
Mesharii: "La wait wait!!"
..........: "Ishtabii...???!"
Mesharii: "5ala9 ana asif i5ti wallah asif....!!"
..........: "Inzain il7een ishtabii..?!"
Mesharii: "Hehehhe wallah 7ilwa hathi, entay daga w etgoolen ishtabi... Hehehhe!!"
..........: "5ala9 yalla bye!!"
Mesharii: "Heheheh 5ala9 5ala9 wallah 5ala9 sorry!!"
..........: "Emmmm inzain meta et9ali7 il sayara...?!"
Mesharii: "Kafich, bs tara mafeeha shay, sawaitay film hindi min wala shay!!"
...........: "El sharha mo 3alak 3alay ana inii daga, 5ala9 ana aroo7 a9ali7ha, mashkoor ma ga9art, ma3 il salama....!!!"
Mesharii: "Ishfeech?!! 5ala9 sorry.... Ekleeni ba3ad...!!"
Suddenly there was a moment of silence, she didn't say a word...
Mesharii: "Inzain momken so2al...?!"
..........: "Shino..?!"
Mesharii: "Emmm shino esmich...?!"
...........: "Mo lazim et3arif!!"
Mesharii: "Adree bs ana abii a3arif...!!"
............: "W ana mabi agool...!!"
Mesharii: "Tara wallah ma r7 aboog ismich, ya3ni shino anadeeich..?!"
............: "5ala9 5ala9... Emmmm ana..... Ahhhh...!!"
Mesharii: "Eee entay....."
............: "Emmm ismi.... Ahhhh...!"
Mesharii: "Yalla 5al9ini goolay ismich...!"
............: "Waaaaaaay offffff ismi Shahad zain...!"
Mesharii: "3ashat il asami Shahad... ishfeech..? Hehehehhehe......!"
Shahad: "La tith7k i7med rabik ena daga w abeek et9ali7ha...!"
Mesharii: "Wallah ishdarani 3anich kilha zal'3a, shino r7 a9ali7 feeha r7 asawilich targi3a 3alaha w bs...!"
Shahad: "Mali shi'3il mabi bo6aga, hathi sayarti waaaaaaay...!"
Mesharii: "Tabeen ifloos il ta9lee7 5KD wela 10KD wila bil ketheer 50KD Hehehehehe wela ishrayich en6er yam bab il masyed mo a7san... Hehehehhhe.....!!"
Shahad: "Tit6anaz 7athretik??? Al sharha mo 3alaik 3alay yoba mabi shay minik yalla bye...."
A55555555555 sadita ib wayhii...
Hehheeheheheh wallah nikta
I copied her girly voice...
Mali shi'3il mabi bo6aga, hathi sayarti waaaaaaaaaaay
Lay6ee7 ni9ha bs...
Bs wallah 7abait'ha...
5al adig 3alaha mara thaniya....
I dialed her number...
Shahad: "Na3am ishtabi...?!"
Mesharii: "5ala9 asif wallah asif...! R7 a9ali7 il sayara ilyoum 3ashan a5af tit7awal borsh bilal.. Hehehehehe....!!"
Shahad: "Tistathrif ya3ni, la tikfa bamoot min il '9i7ik...!"
Mesharii: "Eee uma waaaaaaay dami 5afif....!!" I copied her girly voice... "Hehehehe, Inzain ba'3ait asal shay momken..?!"
Shahad: "Isal..?"
Mesharii: "Emmmmm...!"
Shahad: "Shino.... Ishtabi..?!"
Mesharii: "Emmm il i5t mertab6a..?!"
Shahad: "Emmmm... Ana.... Emmmm, Wait wait... Lay koon 9adagt roo7, laish il ligafa il zaida...?!"
Mesharii: "Ana asif bo 7mood 7agik 3alaih... Hehehehhe..."
Shahad: "9ij inik fa'9i w ana ga3da a'9y3 wagtii...!"
Mesharii: "Asfeen '9ya3na wagtich il thameen... bs ta3alay ma jawabtay..?!"
Shahad: "Shino..?!"
Mesharii: "Mertab6a...?!"
Shahad: "Emmm la....! Erta7t chithii???? Yalla a9lan wayid 3a6atik wayh..."
Ya Allah....!!! Ham sadita ib wayhi... Hehehhehehe....
Wallah hal bint maynoona....
Bs itdish il galb ibser3a....
7abait'ha wallah.....
Shahad's point of view....
Wedad: "Waaaaaay ishfeech kila etsakreen il talifoon ib wayha...?!!"
Shahad: "Kaifii... Offfffff... Lazim etkoonen thigila ya baba....!!!"
Wedad: "Hehehhehe bs wallah y'9a7ik dama 5afeef... W ta3alay isilich itha mertab6a 97...?! Hehehehehhee....!!"
Shahad: "Emmm eee.... Waaaaay bs that doesn't mean anything is going to happen...!!"
Wedad: "Offff Shahad entay wayd 3aneda...!!!"
Shahad: "Adree....!!" I smiled... "Emmm Yalla Wedad lazim aroo7 il bait, wayd ta5art...!!"
Wedad: "Inzain inzain yallah 5al awa9lich 3ind il bab...!"
Wedad walked me to the door and we said our goodbyes and i drove away...
I kept on thinking about the call that just happened between Mesharii and I...
I was so happy he asked me if i was in a relationship or not...
But i didn't really keep any hopes in anything happening, because maybe nothing happens...
No one knows....
I drove the car while listening to ( علي حبنا تمر ايام - راشد الماجد )
I was affected by the music and its lyrics...
Without notice i speeded up...
I was just too affected by the song and so i decided to go faster...
I was even remembering the Aero...
I smiled at the thought that there was some Aero left from yesterday...
I then slowed down cause there was a car in front of me...
I decided to change lanes so i could go faster but the car in front of me didn't allow me...
When i came to change lanes it would change lanes with me....
Ishfee oma hatha....
I decided to go back to the other lane but the car followed me...
I hammered my hand on the horn...
Ishyabii hatha...
Offfff shino mayshoof...
I then noticed that the driver made signs, showing me to stop the car...
My heart started to beat faster...
I was scared...
I was able to make out if the driver was a male or female...
It was a male...
This made me sweat and get more worried...
I ignored the signs he was making...
I kept stabbing the horn..
The driver kept telling me to stop the car...
No way...
I ain't stopping...
Mo wagta....
I tried to go to the left but he blocked the way...
I was completely blocked...
There was no way out....
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