I really hope you enjoyed chapter 1
And I hope you enjoy this chapter too:D
If you find mistakes don't be shy to tell me.
Your comments make my day...
Oh and to @HabounaAlT , Love this girl to bits x
The time went by,
My dad fell asleep and Fahad was studying in his room while Noora was watching T.V.
I suddenly heard the doorbell, I quickly ran to open the door.
Akeed it's Nouf and Wedad,
I turned the door hand and Nouf and Wedad jumped over me.
I giggled.
Nouf: "I missed you,"
Shahad: "Noufii your a crazy women you know? Tawni shayfitich elyoum el 9ib7," I laughed and Nouf giggled.
Shahad: "Guys yallah get off of me, wallah I'm going to fall,"
Wedad: "Inzain inzain,"
The girls and I sat in my room.
Let me describe the girls:
Nouf: Maroon really curly hair, normal weight, dimple on her left cheek and tanned skin color.
Wedad: Brown short hair, normal weight, pointy nose and white skin color.
Wedad sat on my bed and hugged my pillow and Nouf sat on my chair while I sat on my hanged chair and swinged myself.
Shahad: "Yallah Nouf goolay what's up?"
Nouf: "Shahad since summer is coming and we don't wanna sit in Kuwait, we wanna have fun and see other countries, nabe ensafer, goolay 7g obooch, Please, tikfa:(!!"
Shahad: "Bs Nouf ma agdar, obooy ryal kibeer, w ma7ad ysoog bil bait '3airii, mno r7 yshterii ashya2 il bait? W mno r7 ysa3d obooy w i5wani Nouf? Ma agdar Nouf,"
Wedad: "Bs Shahad it's only for 2 weeks, please,"
Shahad: "Wallah ma agdar,"
Wedad: "Bs omi w oboy wafigaw, w Nouf ba3ad!! Ba3dain you're old enough to travel with your friends alone,"
Shahad: "Mo 3an chithii bs my family, please understand, mno r7 yroo7 il jam3eya? Mno r7 yshteri 7ajat il bait? Obooy kiber bil 3omr, 3aib y6la3 yroo7 il jam3ya. He gets tired quickly and I already lost one parent, I don't want to loose the other," I was about to cry when I remembered my mum.
Nouf: "Okay 5ala9 we understand, Walllah asfeen 5ala9 '3ayraw el salfa, we don't want your room to become a sea of tears," I giggled between my tears.
Wedad: "Abii akil!!:("
Nouf: "Uffff Wedad, entay dayman yo3ana?!"
Shahad: "To be true and mishtahya Aero,"
Nouf: "Ana mali 5ilg a6la3 min il bait!"
Wedad: "Wala ana!!"
Shahad: "9ij kaslaneen-.- Uffff zain ketbaw 3ala iwriga shno taboon w ana aroo7 ashreehom min eljam3iya w entaw ne6rooni mini ok?"
Wedad: "Entay 3ajeebaaaa,"
Nouf: "I love you gurl!!"
Shahad: "I know, I know," I laughed.
I quickly got my purse and applied some makeup while the girls filled a paper with names of sweets, chocolates and chips.
Shahad: "Yallah banat baroo7,"
Nouf: "Hach," She grinned at me.
Nouf handed me the paper and smiled.
Wedad: "Thank you Shahad,"
Shahad: "Yeah yeah, yallah ma3 el salama,"
Wedad + Nouf: "BYEEE!!"
I left the house and made my way to the jam3iya. I looked at the time, it was about 7pm. There was traffic in the streets and it was kind of dark outside.
I got to the jam3iya and parked my car so I can go in.
The list was full, my eyes ran down the list.
I bought all what the girls wanted and ofcourse Aero<3
I then walked to my car and got in placing the plastic supermarket bags on the seat next to me. I slowly moved my car and decided to get Starbucks for the girls and I.
I drove to Starbucks.
I called the girls to ask them what they wanted before leaving the car.
Shahad: "Banat ana 3ind Stabucks shtaboon??"
Nouf: "Ana abii Vanilla Frappuccino,"
Wedad: "Ana abii Caramal Frappuccino,"
Shahad: "Inzain yallah i'm coming, bye,"
I closed the phone and was about to get out before someone bumped my car.
Someone bumped my car.
Laaaa2 kilish mo wagta, Ughhhh my car is new:(
I was about to cry, I waited in my car feeling so anger and pissed.
Ugghhh. Mo wagta,
The guy from the car that bumped me opened the door of his car and walked towards my car.
Offfffffffffffff, la2 wai3,
The guy: "Asef i5tii, 7a9al 5air, Syartich ma feeha shay,"
I quickly got out of the car, my car was filled with scars.
Shahad: "Kil hatha w 7a9al 5air?! Shno mat shoof ent? Mno il maynoon il 3a6ak lasen?!"
The guy was thinking to himself (Waleeeh shno hal balsha...): "5ala9 ana asef, w r7 a36eech ra8mii w ayy shay ana a9al7a, ma3ina ma tistahlain ana ma ashoof il syara feeha shay, bs yallah,"
I tried to figure out how he looked like but it was dark.
Shahad: "Ya rabi shno asawi al7een?? Wa8ta il7een?! Akeed ent il '3al6 fa ent ily r7 it9ali7ha, hatha 7agii ba3ad, wallah hatha ily nagi9 ent ted3am w ana a9ali7ha,"
The guy faked a smile (Ya7lalha kawlieya il i5t): "5ala9 wala yhimich i5tii hatha ragmi, 9997," I interrupted him.
Shahad: "La7tha la7tha, shno bitra8mnii wela shno?"
The guy (Allahoma 6awelik ya roo7, shno hal balsha hathii?!): "5ala9 i5tii mo lazim ra8mich, 3a6eni ra8am obooch aw o5ooch, ba3dain hathi mojard zal'3a, ma ystahil kil hatha!!"
Shahad: "Ya a5 faheem momken t5ali9nii cham gilt? 9997??"
The guy gave me his number.
Shahad: "Akeed ra8mik? A5af adig y6la3 wa7id hindii aw shay,"
The guy laughed.
Shahad: "7amdillah w il shikr, 3afwan gayla nikta ana?!"
The guy: "Hahaha La i5tii ma7shooma, ma3ach Mesharii,"
Shahad: "Eee zain ya a5 Mesharii," He interrupted me.
Mesharii: "Wait, wait entay il bint ily min il 9ib7? Ily kanat et'3ani w takil Aero?!"
I glanced at his car, it was the same black car from the morning. My face flushed in embarrassment.
Shahad: "Eehh shno 7aram akil w a'3anii?! Ba3dain ent shako it5iz?!"
Mesharii: "Hahaha wallah kintay 7ail 3aysha el jaw,"
Shahad: "Offfffff il7een laish it'3ayr il mawthoo3?! Ana ga3da aklmik 3an sayartii,"
I wanted to change the subject I was embarrassed.
I could see him clear now, he was tanned, brown eyes, black hair with volume to it, clear dimples, normal height, normal weight, muscular and a scar over his left eye. I admit such a good looking guy.
Mesharii: "Wallah madre bayig 7alal obooch, kilha zal'3a, shno ba9ali7 feeha?! Amsa7ha eb sa3booltii w itroo7,"
Shahad (Allah ylaw3 chabda, dama 5afeef ba3ad): "Hahaha law sama7t mo na89a lo3at jabd, kafii ily 9ar, wila agool mo chna 3a6aitik wayh wayed?"
Mesharii: "Tara hathi bs zal'3a 3ala sayartch w 3a9abtay w sawaitay film, law da3mich 9ij chan shno sawatay? Chan rekath'tay bil shar3 mithil il maynoona w ga3atay etnatfeen sha3rich,"
Shahad: "Hahaha,"
Mesharii: "Tith7keen ba3ad, Ooooohhh 3indich asnaan ba3ad?!"
Shahad: "Ha ha ha,-.- Mo kafo a7ad ya36eek wayh, bacher adig 3alaik w nitfaham 3ala il sayara,"
Mesharii: "Tabeeni anam bil daba 3ashan terta7aan? Giltlich ra7 ajambil el talifoon laman etdegeen,"
Shahad: "Eehh yikoon a7san, yalla bye,"
Mesharii: "La7tha la7tha, 5al a3arf ismich 3ashan arid itha dagatay,"
Shahad: "Tadre damik 5afeef, laish etha dagait ya3ni eby6la3 esmi w ragamii?! Wayed 3a6atik wayh ana, yallah bye,"
I rode the car without saying another word and drove off.
Mesharii's point of view....
Hahaha wallah nikta hal bint,
Etyaneen bs kawliya kawliyaaa!!
Hahaha nikta nikta w rabe.
Next please :D ee chithy ;) daiman 7awlay tkhaleen al chapter helarious !!!! 7adee fe6ast mn al '6e7ik X'D
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