This chapter is dedicated to @WWadha99
I sat on my bed and was thinking of 9ager...
How was i going to give him the gift...
Do i go to him or will he come to me...
Suddenly my phone vibrated...
Someone was calling..
I looked at the time it was 11pm...
I rushed to see who it was...
It read:
SHAGER is calling!!
I held my phone pressed the green button and pressed the phone to my ear!!
Shoug: "Aloo..."
9ager: "Halla 7ayatii.. Shlonich?"
Shoug: "Zaina.. W ent?"
9ager: "Tamam... Entay bil bait 97?"
Shoug: "Eee!!"
9ager: "Good... What are you doing!"
Shoug: "Nothing i am in my room.. Bs ga3da chithy!"
9ager: "Mmmmm Ishfeech?" There was wind noices...
Shoug: "Nothing.. Wanik?"
9ager: "Huh? Emmm ana... Ana emmm.... Eee ana.... Emmm ana in the car...." He was lieing...
Shoug: "9ager your lieing... You always don't know what to say when you lie...."
9ager: "Huh... Emmmm... La la... Who said.... Emmmm.... I'm not lieing..." He lied again...
Shoug: "Ok 3ala ra7tik!"
9ager: "7ayatii!"
I didn't answer..
9ager: "7ubi..."
I ignored again..
9ager: "Shougty!!"
I ignored....
9ager: "Um S3oud!"
Shoug: "Mino Um S3oud....?"
9ager: "Entay! Shino if we get married we won't get children?"
Shoug: "Embala..."
9ager: "How many do you want..?"
Shoug: "Two... A boy and a girl!!"
9ager: "Bs????"
Shoug: "Ya!! Why how many do you want?"
9ager: "Eight!!! 4 boys and 4 girls!!"
Shoug: "Ollllllaaaaaaaaaaaa..........."
9ager began to laugh!!
9ager: "Eee 7ayatii!"
Shoug: "Emmm... Inshallah when the time comes!"
9ager: "Um S3oud!?"
Shoug: "Halla Bo S3oud!"
9ager: "I missed you <3"
Suddenly my phone vibrated...
Shoug: "9ager wait one second... Someone sent me something..."
9ager: "Okay..!"
I pulled the phone off my ear...
I got a BBM!
I quickly checked it...
It was from 9ager!!
9ager Al X...: "A7bich <3"
I pushed the phone back to my ear!!
9ager: "Mino?"
Shoug: "You don't have to send a BBM i'm talking to you on the phone!"
He laughed again!
Shoug: "9ager..."
9ager: "3yoona?"
Shoug: "A7bik ba3ad!!"
9ager: "Mo kithri 3yoony!"
Shoug: "Lat 9eer Fawzya Dra3 al7een...."
He laughed again!!!
His laugh was a mans strong laugh...
It was adorable...
It matched him.....
9ager: "Al7een ana Fawzya Dra3...."
Shoug: "Eee.... Heheheheh......"
9ager: "Mashy Shoug... Ana a3almich..."
Shoug: "I'm not scared..." I said with confidence...
9ager: "Ok ok wait and see...."
I laughed again...!!!
We talked and talked and talked for one whole hour...
Then exactly at 12am....
9ager: "Shoug...." He almost yelled it...
Shoug: "Ishfeek?"
9ager: "Happy Birthday 7ayatii!!!"
I smiled to myself...
Shoug: "Happy Birthday 9ager!!!!"
9ager: "Yalla come!!"
Shoug: "What!!!????"
9ager: "I'm waiting on the roof!"
Shoug: "Shino?" I was suprised... "You where on the roof the whole time.. You lier?"
9ager: "Emmm Eee... " He laughed... "Yalla waiting for you... Don't be long..."
Shoug: "Bs wait... I can't..."
9ager: "You can..."
Shoug: "But 9ager..."
9ager: "No excuses....."
Shoug: "Bs....."
9ager: "Shhhhhhhhhh Yalla come..."
Shoug: "Okay okay!!"
He laughed...
I closed the phone and i got up and got dressed...
I wore this:
I left my wavy long hair down...
I applied some make up and then held my blackberry and took 9agers gift and opened the door of my room...
I put all 9agers gifts in a box and the box had "SHAGER" written on it!!
The box was red and was covered with hearts...
I made my way to the roof...
I opened the roof door and went in...
I looked around and spotted 9ager standing in the corner...
My heart skipped a beat when i saw him...
He was wearing a white dishdasha...
G6ra w i3gal... It was red...
He looked cute in it...
He was handsome....
He was holding a big red gift bag...
He gave me a dimpled smile....
I smiled back...
I walked towards him...
9ager: "Shoug!!"
I smiled....
My face went red...
Shoug: "Emmmm here... This is your gift... Happy Birthday..." I handed him the big box...
9ager: "Thank you..." He took it and then handed me the big red gift bag... "Here... This is your gift..."
Shoug: "Emmm Thank you...." My face was red...
I stared at him...
9ager: "Missed your tomato face...." He pinched my cheek...
I smiled....
Talking to him on the phone is different than talking to him in real life....
9ager: "Wanna sit and open the gift?" He pointed to a mat that he got with him...
Shoug: "Okay...."
We sat down...
9ager: "You open yours first...."
Shoug: "Mabii you first...."
9ager: "La you!!!"
Shoug: "Mabii...!"
9ager: "9ij 3aneda...."
I laughed....
9ager: "Okay... How about this we do it together...!!"
Shoug: "Okay..."
9ager: "Yalla... One.... Two... Three...."
We opened the gifts together....
He got me a gold huge heart necklace....
And at the back it had 9ager's name carved in it....
He got me a Gucci bracelet that had small things attached to it!!
It had a heart... An S.... A microphone... A butterfly... A high heel.... Lips.... and many other things...
And he got me a really big teady bear....
There was a letter, but i left it in the bag for later....
Last he got me Gucci sunglasses...
Shoug: "Emmm 9ager...."
9ager: "Ishfeech? You don't like it...?"
Shoug: "La... I love it... Bs it's too much!!"
9ager: "No Shoug, nothing is too much for you!"
I smiled....
9ager: "Help me...."
He was holding the watch i got him....
I helped him.... It looked cute on him....
He was smiling at the gifts i got him....
9ager: "Shino SHAGER?"
Shoug: "9ager + Shoug = SHAGER!!"
9ager: "Eee 97... Allaaaaaah.... SHAGER RULES!!"
I giggled....
9ager: "Ta3alay let me help you with the necklace...."
I handed him the necklace and grabbed my hair to a side....
I swear i heard him sniff my hear...
9ager: "Herbal Essences...."
I smiled and blushed...
He put the necklace around my neck and was closing it...
I felt his hand touch my skin by mistake...
His hand was warm on my skin...
Heat bounced up and down my body....
When he finished i put my hair down and looked at the necklace...
Shoug: "Alllaaaaa wayd 7ilow!!" I smiled...
9ager: "Entay a7la..... Yalla give me the bracelet let me help you..."
He put the bracelet for me and i smiled....
He gave me a dimpled smile...
Shoug: "Tara ha kafik... Tomorrow your wearing one of these shirts..."
9ager: "Okay bs 3ala shar6..!!"
Shoug: "Shino?"
9ager: "You don't take the necklace off, 3ashan i always be with you...."
Shoug: "Deal..."
I then held the chain i got him...
Shoug: "Give me your car keys..."
He put his hand in his pocket and got his key out...
He then handed the key over to me...
I put the chain on the key...
He smiled at what i did...
I handed it over...
9ager: "S.... Mino hathy?"
Shoug: "Ana... 3ashan i be with you everywhere!" I smiled
He laughed....
Shoug: "Ishfeek?"
9ager: "Your always with me Shoug... In here..." He pointed his hand to his heart...
I blushed and smiled....
9ager then took out the glasses that he got for me...
He put them on my eyes...
Shoug: "How do i look?"
I made a kiss face...
He took my phone from me and pictured me...
I made stupid faces...
Then he came closer to me and took some pictures with me...
We both smiled... We made crazy faces... We pulled our tongues out...
It was funny...
I wasn't scared since it was in my phone...
Plus i trust him...
I held the bear and hugged it...
He kept picturing me...
Shoug: "Bs 9ager!!"
9ager: "Ok...." He put the phone down.. "Inzain ana za3alt..."
Shoug: "Laish?"
9ager: "Give me the bear i will throw it and kill it!!"
Shoug: "Laish!!"
9ager: "Ana '3aret... You hug him and you don't hug me...?" He said it in a childish way...
I laughed....
Shoug: "5ala9 la tiz3al!" I was still laughing..
9ager: "Inzain give me a hug!!"
I put my hands around him and hugged him tightly...
He hugged me back...
I felt the warmth of his chest...
His muscles were wrapped around me...
I felt safe....
I then backed away...
Shoug: "Emmmm thanks... Emmmm 9ager" I got up
9ager: "3yoona...!" He stood with me...
Shoug: "I have to go!"
9ager: "Laish... Please stay a bit..."
Shoug: "No i have to go!!" I quickly held the gifts he got me...
Putting the teddy bear in my hand and the bag with the glasses in one hand....
I was still wearing the necklace and bracelet....
9ager: "Emmm ok... I don't want to force you to stay with me...." He looked at the ground...
Shoug: "La 9ager mo chithy... Please latiz3al... 3ashani..."
He looked up at me....
9ager: "Okay...!"
Shoug: "Smile..."
He gave me a huge smile...
I laughed...
He then came closer to me...
He put his mouth near my ears...
His breath tickled my ears...
9ager: "A7bich !"
My heart skipped a beat when he said that...
I blushed...
He then backed away...
He looked at the teddy bear that was in my hand....
9ager: "If you do anything to my wife... I will kill you... Your not allowed to hug her... Touch her... Or even look at her.... Keep your eyes off her.... She is mine.... I have my eyes on you....."
I laughed
Shoug: "Bs 9ager 7aram....."
9ager: "La...... See what you did now she loves you more than me now...."
Shoug: "I can never love anyone more than you...."
9ager: "7ayatii entay...'
I opened the door and went down...
I made my way to my room....
I opened the door and put the things he got me on my hanged chair...
I changed into PJ'S and held my phone and teddy bear that 9ager got me...
I sat on my bed while hugging the teady bear and was going to check if 9ager sent anything....
9gaer Al X....: "You are the treasure of my life... I will always love you Shoug... I am waiting for the day that you will be mine.... I want you mine only... I love you 7ubii... Happy Birthday and sleep tight <3...."
Shoug Al X....: "I will always love you 9ager... You are my heart and my life.... Happy birthday... Goodnight 7ayatii..."
I closed my phone and put it under my pillow...
I layed down and put the teddy bear next to me...
I closed my eyes and slept.....
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry tawny achayik ur blog bas jad kint mashghola ,
I loved SHAGER! haha a7ib couple names i should get one for Dalal and 6alal ;p
I love your way of writing, its simple yet not boring! well done :D
Good luck in ur blog;*
and btw mako follow button? i can't find it :/
w bas :p
Awwww thank you very much
DeleteYour blog is nice too
I will tell you when i find out about the follow button!!:)
omg this blog is awesome in one day i got to this chapter 0.o!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed <3