This is my SECOND POST TODAY!!!!
This post is dedicated to
@shosha_ssk @N_6khaim_317 @bebee_Al_M and @Nalhomoud
Hope you enjoy the post.
Note: "I need boys and girls names so if you can just DM on twitter @blogger_kuwait I will be very thankful"
It was 3bdallah...
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "Hey Shlonich?"
I looked up to find him staring at me checking if I got the BBM,
I smiled at him and began to type.
Out with Lulu 360/Shoug Al X....: "Halla, I am good wbu?"
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "Zain il7amdellah, Shoug,"
Out with Lulu 360 / Shoug Al X....: "Hala?!"
At 360 / Abduallah Al X.....: "9ager wants your BBM pin, I was going to give it to him but I wanted to ask you first,"
I stopped to think of what 3ndallah just told me.
What was I going to loose? Shoug just say yes! What's the big deal? If anything happened you can delete him, just as easy as that.
But my guts said no,
I was stopped with my thoughts by my phone,
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "Ha Shoug? Do I give it to him?"
Out with Lulu 360/Shoug Al X....: "La 3bdallah, don't,"
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "It's up to you, I respect your choices:p"
Out with Lulu 360/Shoug Al X....: "Thank you:D"
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "Your welcome,"
I closed my phone to face Lulu but I felt my phone vibrate again, It was 3bdallah again.
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "I am really sorry Shoug but he asked me over a million times, he is demanding for your pin:/"
My heart skipped a beat again when I read what was sent to me, I read the BBM again.
I looked up at 9ager to see if he was staring at me. His eyes were just on me, he looked as if he was waiting for me to answer. He gave me a dimpled smile, I couldn't stop staring at his eyes.
I didn't know what to say,
Out with Lulu 360/Shoug Al X....: "Umm:s"
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "You won't loose anything, add him and if he annoys you, I'll deal with him,"
Out with Lulu 360/Shoug Al X....: "Fine;p"
At 360/Abduallah Al X.....: "Okay:D"
I closed my phone and looked at Lulu. She was still fiddling with her phone.
I began to think to myself about 9ager,
Why did he insist on my pin? Why does he really want it? Does he want me to fix for him girl or something?:/
I wasn't really in the mood in fixing guys with girls atm, I couldn't even fix myself.
I looked around 360, it was full...
I then felt my phone vibrate, I held it to find an invite from 9ager, I was expecting it.
I just accepted without thinking then quickly closed my phone and looked at Lulu.
Shoug: "Lulu yallah I wanna go home, I'm tired,"
Lulu: "We just got here, we have to go shop, yallah please!!"
Shoug: "Fine bs leave that phone from your hand,"
Lulu: "Okay,"
Shoug: "Fine bs yallah goomay,"
Lulu and I got up and started to walk around the mall, we went down stairs and went into as many shops as we could.
Guess, Juicy couture, Mango, Kate Spade, Bebe.
It's been a long time since I've shopped like this, I felt happy.
I held over 7 bags fillled with clothes and was walking around the mall.
Suddenly Lulu pulled me,
Shoug: "Ouccchhhhh Lulu, shfeech?"
Lulu: "I wanna play bowling," She said it while pointing towards the playing place.
There was a playing zone up in 360 mall, it had bowling.
Lulu loved boiling but I wasn't in the mood for it at all.
I looked at Lulu she had a smile on her face.
I didn't want to turn that smile upside down.
Shoug: "Yallah lets go,"
Lulu: "9ij?"
Shoug: "Eehh yallah,"
We went up and got on our bowling shoes to play.
We wrote our names on a paper and we went to our row.
There was a big screen over our heads.
It had Lulu and Shoug written on it.
It dedicated our scores.
I began to play and my score was always higher than Lulu's even though I wasn't in the mood, I faked a smile.
It was my turn again.
I was about to throw the ball before Lulu spoke and stopped me.
Lulu: "Shoofay Shoug,"
I stopped and walked towards Lulu.
Shoug: "Shno?"
Lulu: "The boys came to play here,"
Offfff they didn't find except this place to come to from all over 360 mall?!
I remembered my phone...
After accepting 9ager I put it in my pocket and didn't open it again even though it vibrated.
I didn't really feel like taking my phone out so I left it in my pocket.
Lulu's eyes just kept on staring on Faisal.
She had a huge crush on him, it was dead obvious.
Shoug: "Lulu don't stare,"
Lulu: "Okay okay,"
I walked back to our row, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
Lulu sat down and continued to mess with her phone which I told her a million times to let go of.
I held the bowling ball tightly and was about to throw it before I heard someone call my name.
It wasn't Lulu's voice.
It was more muscular and strong.
I closed my eyes tight before turning to know who it was.
I really wished it wasn't 3bdallah.
I closed my eyes tighter and tighter and turned around.
I rested the ball on my other hand.
And I slowly opened my eyes.
I didn't want to believe it, but I had to,
It was..............
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