I know I'm amazing:$ Posting reallyyyy fast haha x But you guys deserve it.
I wish you all goodluck with your exams and since I finished I'll be posting for you guys so you can have a break from studying and enjoy a post:D
Okay so I have been asked a lotttttt this question, "Samar 3endi emti7aan w mo 3arfa adres wala arakizzzzz, tikfa sa3deeni shasawee?:(" So I decided to answer here to help all of you guys. Here are a bit tips:
1- Take a shower, showers always waken you up and make you feel fresh and clean.
2- Find a comfortable place, far away from your siblings and from noises.
3- Make sure the AC is on, for me? Personally? I can't study when it's hot, and I can't study when it's cold, so I change it depending on how I feel.
4- YOUR PHONE??? THIS CREATURE HAS TO BE SHUT DOWN!!! No, no, don't tell me you won't touch it, don't tell me i'll put it on silent, you switch it off and put it far away from you, give it to a sibling or put it in another room, or hide it somewhere. Believe me, even if you say you won't touch it, as soon as you get a notification or you feel a vibration your hand will automatically search for it and fiddle with it, 5 minutes will become 30 minutes and you'll get out of the mood of studying.
5- Make yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea *If you make tea I personally advise you to add za3faran to it, or I sometimes add cinnamon sticks, makes it taste better*, also a milkshake will do.
6- Dark chocolate, or maybe some fruits.
7- Personally? I can't study with my hair down, it gets in my way and I get annoyed and keep fiddling with it and touching it, so tie your hair up, maybe in a bun or something.
8- Okay so I heard this from a friend, before studying spray perfume, on the day of the exam spray the same type of perfume, they say the scent helps you remember.
9- This is most important, ED3AAWWW!!! And before going to your exam pray and id3aw, when god is with you? You can't go wrong.
10- Always think positive, that's a book, are you going to let a book beat you? GO KICK IT'S BUTT!!!!
I hope I helped!!:D
This is dedicated to my baby @Skalhajri , Goodluck honey, you can ace this.
And also @Danasultan , It was her birthday *MAY 25* I love youuuuu!!!! You are like the most amazing creature on earth<3.<3
5ala9 basket el7een:c
Enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to give me feedback.
"Bsmeelllaahhhh bsmeeellllaaahhh bsmeeellllaaahhhhh, ya raaabbb ya raaabbbb ya raaabbbb!!!!" Manal kept on praying to herself in a low voice, she was petrified. She kept on moving back and forth against the white wall. It's been hours, the sun came out and still Sa3ad was inside. "Ya raabbbb mafee shay, ya rabb mafee ela el 5air, ya rabbb, ya raabb, ya raabbb!!!"
"Shfeech?!" Bader asked looking suspicious.
"Ha? La mafeeni shay, bs ena met9argi3a, shakla kan y5ari3 w oho y9ari5 w bs i5tara3t,"
"Met2ked ena mafee shay, 3ad entay kela et7ateen 3ala wala shay," Bader said.
"Ana shako fee? Irfeejik ent, ana shako, bs ena i5tara3t l2na 9aar el mawgef jedami," Manal was dying from inside but she drew a smile on her face, she didn't want Bader to sense anything. "Ana baroo7 el 7amaam," Manal left him and walked to the bathroom.
As soon as she walked in she burst out into tears, she just wanted to fall back into Sa3ad's arms, she wanted to see him. It was like a fire was burning deep within her heart, she was impatient, she wanted to see him right NOW!!
"Bsmeelllaaahhh ya rab ya raaabbb," Tears cascaded down her face.
After fixing herself up and washing her face, she walked out with a fake smile plastered on her face. She walked towards Bader.
"Ha basher shno 9aar?!" Manal asked.
"Lel7een ma 6ala3 el dictor," Bader said.
"Aaahhh okay," Manal fiddled with her hands. Her eyes were filling with tears threatening to fall over, she tried to stop them falling, she didn't want Bader to notice.
Suddenly the doctor walked out, Bader and Manal rushed to him.
"Ha? Bashr dictoor shfeeh?!" Bader asked.
"La mako ela kel 5air enshallah, bs yofathal akalmik ebroo7ik estath Bader," The doctor looked down at Manal.
"Manal dishay," Bader ordered.
"Inshallah," Manal almost ran into he room, she was worried.
Manal peeked into the room, she found Sa3ad laying down on the bed. She took a few steps closer not wanting to look at Sa3ad yet, she was scared that she would break down in front of him. Sa3ad's eyelids swiftly slid up and his chocolate eyes met Manal's, there were hues of yellow in them and faint red little lines that had been connected into his pupil. His face was frail and weak, he smiled faintly.
"Sa3ad?" Manal weakly called out, her voice was cracking. She felt a lump rise in her throat, she pushed it down. I'm not going to cry!
"Shfeech? Laish 5afya? Ta3alay," Manal took a few steps closer and Sa3ad sat up.
"La la Sa3ad, khalek minsidi7.." Manal's voice trembled.
"Lat 7ateen mako shay," Sa3ad smiled weakly.
"Sa3ad shfeek? Hathe mo awal mara yeyeelik 3awar, Sa3ad allah y5aleek goolee shfeek?!" Hot tears trickled down her face.
"El7een shako tabcheen shako ha? La tabcheen ufff!!" Sa3ad said in an annoyed tone.
Manal wiped her tears with the back of her hand then pushed her hands onto her eyes rubbing them as she sobbed, She was like a 3 year old baby in front of Sa3ad.
"Ya bent el nas kane shoofenii mafeeni shay, shfeech entay? Ela tabeen ykoon feeni shay, mafeeni shay ya a5yy!!" Sa3ad stretched his arm out and pulled Manal closer to his side, "La tabcheen la tabcheeen," He begged her.
"Sa3ad shfeekkkk!! Goully shfeek!" Manal's tears continued to drop.
"Lat 9aree555 lat 9aree555,"
"Zain lat narfeze-" Sa3ad couldn't continue his sentence, "Aa-aayyyy aayyyyy ba6neeeee," Sa3ad pressed his palm against his stomach.
"Sa3ad shfeeekkk Sa3ad," Manal burst out into tears, "Dictoorrr," Manal was about to call the doctor before Sa3ad pulled her wrist stopping her.
"Lat roo7een mafeeni shayy mafeeni shayy," Sa3ad's face twisted in pain.
"Sa3ad allah y5aleekkk Sa3ad lat sawee chii, anadee 3ashan ysa3dek," Tears ran down, she felt her heart shatter watching him in pain.
"Ga3 agoolich mafeeni shay," Sa3ad's words came out with difficulty.
Ya raaabb ma y6la3 fee shay chayd!!
Ya raabb la ta7remnii menaa!!
Ya raab shafeeehhhh!!
Manal couldn't control herself, her tears were falling non-stop and her eyes got redder by the second. It stung her painfully, her heart ached watching him.
Suddenly the door knob turned, Manal quickly moved away and wiped her tears.
"Salaam, shlonik?!" Bader smiled.
"Halaa bel 7abeeb, wallah tamaam eb 5air," Sa3ad replied.
"Yallah 3ad la titdalaa3, tara ychatheb 3alaina mafeeh shay," Bader chuckled and Sa3ad laughed along as Manal drew a fake smile on her lips.
"Meta y6al3ooni?!" Sa3ad asked.
"Lazem tig3ad cham youm," Bader said.
"Laish cham youm? Shfeeh?!" Manal asked as her pupils widened.
"La mafeeh shay bs lazem endal3a shway, 9ayer di3laa," Bader mocked.
"Ana baroo7 el 7amaam," Manal stated bluntly.
"Bsmelllaahhh tawich ray7a el 7amaam, ma meedach," Bader snickered.
"Eeehh shasawe abee el 7amaam," Manal walked out trying to ignore eye contact with Sa3ad.
Manal rushed out the room making sure she closed the door behind her. She made her way to the receptionist, with every step her heart accelarated, with every step she began to shake, she feared of hearing bad news, she wanted to know what was wrong with him but she didn't want to know that she might lose him. Tears kept cascading continuously, she couldn't stop. Thoughts of her losing Sa3ad kept twiling in her head, it scared her to death. She felt heat bounce up and down in her body with ever step.
"Law sima7tay," Manal caught the name tag on the women sitting behind the desk, Reem.
"Ahlain 7abebty, amreeni," Reem smiled to Manal.
"Kent bas2al 3an mareeth 3indkom,"
"Shsmaa?!" Reem asked.
"Sa3ad Al Flanyy, kent ba3aref shfeeh bilthab6?!" Manal asked curiously.
"3afwan bs shet9ereenla?!"
"Ana i5taa," Manal lied.
"Wallah ma 5abee 3alich bs 3ogb el ashe3a Sa3ad 6ala3 feeh Crohn's disease.."
*Crohn's disease = Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It usually affects the intestines.*
It was like someone just slapped Manal harshly, tears ran down her face, she couldn't control herself.
"Cro-ohn's disease?!" Manal hiccuped through her sobs, "W shno 3ilajaa?!" Manal pouted.
"Well there are some medications he has to take, he has to drink a lot of water also and avoid any fatty, greasy or fried foods for a while. We will be giving his some iron supplements, calcium, vitamin D and B12 because he will be feeling very weak. He has to avoid stress also, I'm sorry for you to hear this but it's severe and so we has to do a surgery to remove any damaged or diseased parts of the intestine."
Manal felt the women's words hit her ear-drums hardly, she slowly walked away from her as she made her way to the nearest wall. She couldn't believe what she heard, she just wanted to lean against a wall because she felt someone hold the room and turn it. She felt dizzy and in pain, tears kept falling non-stop, her heart ached her strongly. Manal pushed her body against the wall and slowly moved down sitting herself down on the white marbled floor. She pulled her legs up and began to sob hysterically. She felt apart of her heart being pulled out, she was frightened, she didn't want to lose him, she didn't imagine life without him.
Manal went to the bathroom and washed her face then made her way back to Bader and Sa3ad trying to act like she never found out.
As soon as she walked in the sight of Sa3ad made her want to cry, she held herself. How he smiled to her weakly stung her so painfuly.
"Mo chna 6awaltay?!" Bader asked.
"Eeehh kent ga3 ashrab maay," Manal lied as she faked a smile.
"Ana baroo7 ayeeb malabes emshay wiyaay Manal," Bader said. Manal really wanted to stay but she feared that Bader would get suspicious and sense something.
"Okay," Manal dragged her body towards the door.
"Aw agoolich gi3dayy gi3dayy a5af y7taaj shay hal ta3baan," Bader chuckled as he made his way out leaving Manal and Sa3ad in the room.
"Shfeech?!" Sa3ad gave her a charming smile.
"Mafeeni shay," Manal slowly walked over pulling a chair to his side and sat down near him.
"Yba shfeech laish chii et5izeeni?!"
"La bs chii, ela ma galek el dictor laish ga3 eyeelik 3awaar?!"
"3ade ya3ne ma5ith bared,"
"Bared," Manal nodded.
"El7een ana el ta3baan wela entay? Entay mafrooth etdaleleeni w etratheeni mo el 3aks,"
"Y9eer 5air,"
"Zain 3a6shaan," Sa3ad acted like a 3 year old. "Sharbeeni maay," He crossed his arms and looked at her innocently with a charming smile playing along his lips.
A smile plastered on her face, "Zain 5ala9 el7een aroo7 ayeeblik maay min ta7aat," Manal got up and made her way to the door.
"Lat 6awleen," Sa3ad yelled trying to make sure she hears him as she leaves.
"7athr," Manal closed the door behind her and walked down stairs to the cafeteria area.
Manal glanced at the food that was put behind the glass, hmmm donuts, muffins, cookies, croissant.. Her eyes moved down the trays of food making her feel hungry. Water Manal water!! But wait, he didn't eat anything, maybe I should get him a turkey and cheese croissant, I'm sure he's hungry, rememebr no fatty, greasy or fried foods, lets make it two bottles of water, remember what the doctor said? A lot of water. Okay so two bottles of water and a turkey and cheese croissant.
"Can I take your order ma'am?!" The voice bulldozed Manal, she quickly shut her thoughts and looked up.
"Yes please, I want two bottles of water and a cheese and turkey croissant, make it hot please,"
"Cheese and turkey and water," He pressed a few buttons on his screen then looked up at Manal, "Anything else?!" He asked.
"No thank you," Manal smiled as she took a few steps back not knwoing that someone stood behind her.
"Heeyyy heeyyyy mo chi ydishoon bel nas," The voice made her jump, she quickly turned around to apologize, but as soon as she laid her eyes on the person, not a word came out of her mouth, she was shocked.
My Own Area...
I want to run, I want to hide.
From all the pain he caused inside.
I want to scream, I want to cry.
Why can't I tell him Goodbye?
I want to move on, I just can't let go.
I love him more than he will ever know.
I want to start over, I want to feel free!
But this pain will never leave me.
He hurt me bad, the pain is deep.
From all the promises he couldn't keep.
All the lies, I heard him say.
Are in my head and just won't fade.
How can I forget him, leave him behind?
Erase the memories from my mind?
How when all I think about is him, him and him?<3
La7ad ygoolyy laish? Tara kela poem, ya3ne mo tithbo7ooni bel ask.fm 3ala el poem okay?=)
Hahaha I love you xx
Don't forget to give me feedback!!:D
THE POST IYANIN:'( MASKEEENN SA3AAD:( ou maskeena manal her love is really sick! Anyways they're too cute and this post was wonderful.. It's official im addicted to your blog! Can't wait for the next post
DeleteThank you so so soooooo muchhhhh<3
I'm so glad you enjoy wallah:(
Wayyy katkoota 7abebtyyyy:o
Enshallah soon x
AAAAH EEELPOSST 3AJEEB, JED INTAY NAAAR, FIRST THIS TIME, maskeeen sa3ad laish chethee? bss eli 9ij takser el galb? manal, oo next post naby reemas okaay?=)) bss manaby leena el thoma-_- anywayss a7ibich, madree shagool, bye
ReplyDelete-your best commenter
or shall I say, second-.-
Deleteagain, your best commenter
My amazinggg/bestttt commenterrr ghamaaa<3.<3 my love for you is endlesssss, wallah your comments make my day, I LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!<3
DeletePost waiting ..
ReplyDeletePOST? Posted x
DeleteAwaiting your next post love <3
I posted x
DeleteLat 7ateen<3 Wait and see what happens, la la I won't kill him, I promised a happy ending, but I have to be a wicked blogger for a few posts:$
POST :o Cliffhanger :c!!! Please post asap and i love you so much :p -chocolate
ReplyDeleteSorrryyyy about that x_x
DeleteEnshallahhhh i'll try my best
Speechless as always maku kalam ekafyy eb7agch a7bch:* -shay mait
I love you<3
Cant wait!! Jad jad your stories? Addiction... I can't get enough! NEVER!! Yallah shedy 7ailek oo Allah ywafgik 7beebty.. I Love you samoora !! <3 -R*
ReplyDelete7abebtyyyyy, wallah i'm so glad you enjoy them, your such a cutie pie, mashkoooraaa<3
DeleteI love you wayyyyy more!!!!
TW83T!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE CROHN'S DISEASE TOOO!!!!!! 7lo l,wa'63 eni agra w ana feeni nafs shay =)) l,mohm t7maaaassssssttttttt 3ashan abee asa3dech la2ana 3endch a'3la6 fa e4a taabeen agoolch l2adweya w l,3awar w kl shay 3ade :D la2ana ehwa moo chthe 3a6eeni ur ask w a36eech my username w I will dm you w agoolch b5t9ar :D chenee shta6ait l,mohm amaaaazzzziiiinnnggg keeeep it up guuurrrlll LOVE YAAAH -Cookie
ReplyDeleteWallah thank you for all your help, mashkoora jad, wallah you helped me wayed xx
DeleteEtshawgeeeennnnnn<3 Thank you so so so mucchhh I LOVE YOUUUUU TO DEATHHHH!!!
Did you die ?
ReplyDeleteOuch:( nope:/
DeleteAkeed it's 6alal who she bumped into! Am I right?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, wait and see:D
DeleteAmazzzzzzing *.* I'm in LOOOOOVE <33
DeleteInshallah asap honey x
sa7abti or what ? please post today !!
ReplyDeleteLa2, sorry I was a bit busy, posted x
ReplyDeleteLove love love your blog ♥♥ please post as soon as possible :(