Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chapter 34 - Colorful Love

Heyyy everyone <3
How is your studying? How is everything? Hope your doing well, shedaw 7ailkom, nabee A's:D
Please bare with me, I'm really sick and tired, fever, flu, headache, cough, ya3ne ma boga shay ma 7ashnee=)) El7amdellah, Inshallah I feel better as soon as possible to post fast:D

This chapter is dedicated to two people:

1- To the pretty @ASulaimanT , It was her birthdayyyy, happy birthday babyyy, kel 3aam w entayy eb 5air, 3o2baal el3mr kelaaahhh ya rab, I LOVE YOU TO BITSSSS!!!<3

2- To the beautiful Amina Al Helal, I love you, you're such an amazing person, and your comments? MAKE MY DAYYYY!!!!

Okay so I'll let you enjoy but before I want you to read something REALLYYYY IMPORTANT!!!
Listen guys, I asked about *Crohn's disease* w 6ala3 there are other things, so I decided to do my own version of *Crohn's disease*, 3ad entaw mashaw okay? Ya3ne mo kel shay 9a7 from the things I write about the disease, I just want to spice up the story and make it interesting, okayyy? Ya3ne mashaw entaw, it's just a story.

ALSO!!!!!! This story? IS 100% IMAGINATION!!! Okayyy? I totally mean 100%, not one thing is true, it is fully out of my wild imagination.

Love you all<3

"Heeyyy heeyyyy mo chi ydishoon bel nas," The voice made Manal jump, she quickly turned around to apologize, but as soon as she laid her eyes on the person, not a word came out of her mouth, she was shocked.

"6alaal.." Manal gasped.

"Ohhhh Mona?!" 6alaal played a smile on his lips.

"Esmi mo Mona," Manal hardened her eyes as she gave him a look.

"Uffff laish kela ansa esmich, Manaar? Maryam? Maha?" 6alaal tried guessing.

"La2, mo ela et3aref esmi," Manal turned around.

"Ahhh zain tara entay ely dasha feeni ya3ne el mafrooth ti3tathrain," 6alaal held his laugh.

Manal turned around to face him, "Asfa," She shot him a death stare then gave him her back.

"Entayy shfeech?!" 6alaal made his way in front of her to face her, "Tara ana sa3atich bel jet w da3ma feeni ba3ad w ma gilt shay,"

"Zain 5ala9 gilna mashkoor w gilna asfeen," Manal sighed.

"Zain agool eshyaybich meni?!" 6alaal asked.

"W ent shako? Hatha ily nagi9," Manal got irritated.

"Yallah 3ad shsmich? Tara kela esm ya3ne ma r7 abooga, ma r7 a56ifa,"

"Thareef, tara damik thegeel," Manal glared at him.

"A7san 3ashan layy bogoona," 6alaal gave her a charming smile.


"Eeehhh," 6alaal smiled again.

"Uffff uffff ent wain ma roo7 ashoofik?" Manal moaned.

"Correction, entayyy elyy la7gatnee," 6alaal winked at her.

"Shno shno shnoooo? Ana? Laish? Ma6googa 3ala rase wela shno? Sh7aga al7igik?" Manal roared.

"3ashan mo3jaba feeni," 6alaal smirked as he exhaled a doze of carbon dioxide.

"Ana? Mo3jaba feek? ENTA?!!" Manal's pupils widened. "Min kithr el jamal wela min kithr el e7teram wela  min kithr shno? Hatha eb a7lamik okayy?!" Manal crossed her arms around her chest.

"The more you deny it, the more it's true," 6alaal was so cold, he was smiling the whole way.

"Lat a2lef quotes 3ala kaifik," Manal was extremely pissed.

"Inzain el esm el kareem?!" 6alaal asked again as he blocked her way.

"Shag7aa, Egmaasha, Ergayaa, Wasmeeya, bs farijjj ya a5yy," Manal pushed him slightly as she made her way to collect her order.

"Ya3ne lazim a'3neelich i'3niyat Majed ElMohands 3ashan etgoolelii?!" 6alaal followed her.

"Lat '3aneeli shay, farij 3ane, hedni ebroo7i w bs!!" Manal was pulling tissues and placing them on the tray.

"Sa7arne 7alaha w galbee hawaha w ebtalaa arakith waraha w adawer rithaha ya mala," 6alaal was singing.

"Usshhh usshhhh fashaltnaa, yr7am omik 5ala9," Manal hissed.

"Anadee ya 7i9a emneera jowaher ya maha, 3ala balee tathreb w yi6la3 ma3aya esmahaa," 6alaal tried holding his chuckle.

"Ughhhhhh," Manal carried the tray and walked away.

"Adoor el showari3 a6ale3 w thayagt el bashar, y5anegnee hatha w hatha w mo jayeb 5abaar, anadee ya sara ya noora ya haifa ya amal, 3asaha tijaweb w alagee lihatha il galb 7aal," 6alaal ignored her.

"6alaal i7na eb mostashfa, ga9er 7isik, r7 ya6ridoonik el7een, 5alaa999999 isket," Manal seethed.

"Betgoolenli esmich wela shlon?!" 6alaal snickered.

"Manal, esme Manal yallah emsh min ehnee," Manal pushed him away gently making her way to the elevators.

"Zain laish yayaa el mostashfa?!" 6alaal asked as Manal pressed the up button and waited impatiently for the elevator's doors to open.

Manal faced him, "Estath 6alaal hatha mo shi'3lek, 3ade tamshe min ehne, mabe mashakel,"

Dingggg! The elevator doors opened.

Manal quickly rushed in and pressed one of the buttons wanting it to close quickly.

"Manal ni6rayy," 6alaal was about to walk in but the doors closed.


"T25art 3alaik?!" Manal peeked into the room. She found Sa3ad laying down with his eyes shut, he was asleep. Manal walked in and placed the tray on a near table as she made her way closer to Sa3ad. He was fast asleep, exhaling and inhaling deeply, his face was pale, he looked so tired and weak. She looked down at the angelic, peaceful face then slowly grabbed the thick blanket nearby and tucked him in. Sa3ad moved slightly pulling the blanket closer.

Manal sat down and stared at him thinking of the disease, Crohn's disease, She was petrified at the thought of him doing a surgery. Watching him, remembering all their times made her feel like someone tore her heart out of her chest and squeezed it with their long sharp nails, digging deep inside. It ached her badly, she glanced at him, his black messy, un-combed hair, his slender but muscular not to much just enough were he can pack a punch, his big ruff hands, she stared at him deeply and one thing popped into her head, He's mine.

A smile drew on her face and in no time she had her head on the edge of the bed and she was sound asleep.


"Goomaw goomawwww," A annoying childish voice yelled.

"Mmmmm," Manal moved slightly.

"Yallaahhh Manal yallaahhh Sa3ad,"  Remas pulled both Sa3ad and Manal's arms.

"Remas hideehom 7araam mat shoofenhom ta3baneen," Jawa stated.

"Zain ga3daw Manal bs, Sa3ad 5aloo nayim, oho el ta3baan," Leena spoke.

"La2 hedoohom thnainhom," Noor ordered.

"Mabee mabee abyy Manal etgoom w abyy Sa3ad ygoom," Remas nagged.

"9aba7 el 5air," Sa3ad opened his eyes slowly as he drew a faint smile on his face.

"9aba7 el noor, shlonik el7een? Fee shay y3awerik?!" Leena rushed to his side.

"La2 la2 mafeeni shay," Sa3ad said.

"Zain laish yabook meni? Shfeek? 3asa ma shar?!" Lamaar asked.

"La bs ma5eth bared," Sa3ad lied.

"Feeni wala feek," Leena sat down on the bed. She wasn't even shy or ashamed. Noor shot her a death stare but she ignored her.

"Haha eb 3adowik wala feek," Noor pinched Leena.

"Aaaayyyyy," Leena winced, "Ana shgelt ya3ne? Hufff,"

"U-umm wain Bader?!" Sa3ad asked getting annoyed that he was surrounded by girls.

"Raa7 eyeeb f6oor," Jawa smiled.

"Laish cham el sa3a?!" Sa3ad asked.

"3asher w ni9," Lamaar replied.

Sa3ad searched for Manal then he noticed that she was fast asleep on his side, her hair covering almost all her face with her head placed on the edge of the bed and her arms around it.

"Manal goomay basich noom, gi6a3 kela nayma," Leena growled at her in disgust.

"Ussshhhhhh ga9rayy 7isich, shtabeen feeha, 5aleeha etnaam, mskeena 6ool el layl ga3da," Sa3ad shut Leena.

"Heyyy laish etgoolen 3an Manal chithy, entay eshtabeen?!" Remas pushed Leena.

"Bsmeelllaaahhh kelatooni shfeekom, ma gilt shay ana," Leena crossed her arms.

"Lamaar allah y5aleech, pwease pweasee wadeeni ta7at ashteerli 7alaw, allah y5aleech Lamaar," Remas pouted to Lamaar as she begged her to take her down to buy some sweets.

"Remas entay ba6nich 3ibaraa 3an jam3iyat 7alaaw," Noor teased her.

"7abebty el7een Bader biyeeb if6oor, itha kilataay 7alaaw ma r7 takleen if6oor," Lamaar bent down to Remas's level to eye contact her.

"Remaso ta3alay," Sa3ad called.

"Tara shoof bs 3ashan ent mareeth r7 asma3 kalamik," Remas made her way to Sa3ad.

"Tabeen 7alaw?!" Sa3ad smirked.

"Eeehhh please please please," Remas gave him an innocent look.

"Zain awal booseni meni," Sa3ad held his hand out.

"Sa3aaddd," Remas crossed her arms.

"Zain menii," Sa3ad held out his other hand.

"Offf offffff," Remas dabbed her foot against the concrete floor.

"Zain 5ala9 5ala9 bs et5al9een akel a36eech," Sa3ad laughed.

"Bs Ana abyy el7een," Remas insisted.

Suddenly Manal slowly lifted her head as she pressed her hand against her yawning mouth. She rubbed her fist against her eyes then looked up to find the girls and Sa3ad.

"9aba7 el 5air," Sa3ad smiled.

"9aba7 el noor," Manal smiled back, but her smile faded away as she caught Leena sitting on the bed.

"A5eeran gimtayyy? Kel hatha noum?!" Leena glared at Manal.

"Wain Bader?!" Manal ignored Leena as she faced the other girls.

Suddenly the door knob turned and in came Bader with two plastic food bags in his hand.

"Ohhh gimt? 9a7 el noum," Bader grinned as he placed the bags on the table. "Yallah iklaaw,"

The girls gave out the food and ate their breakfast.


"Manal," Leena gasped making Manal jump.

Manal let go of the hot cup of coffee that she was adding sugar to and faced Leena, "Shfeech?!" Manal asked.

"U-umm ba'3ait as2lich sha'3la bs," Leena stated as she flicked hair.

"Eehh si2laayy," Manal was curious.

"Fee shay bainich entay w Sa3ad? Madre ya3ne kela ydafi3 3anich w mehtam feech," Leena breathed.

"La2, mabaina shay, yetrawalich, oho nafs o5ooy," Manal lied.

"Ashwaa," Leena bared her teeth at Manal.

"Shno ashwaa? Ya3ne laish?" Manal lifted an eye-brow.

"La2 ya3ne entay nafs i5tyy w el mafrooth etgoolenli kel shay fa 3abali 5asha 3ani shay,"

"La2 lat 7ateen mo 5asha shay 3ainich bs entay ily shaklich 5asha shay," Manal winked at Leena and drew a smile on her face as she hit Leena's arm playfully. Manal smiled outside but died from inside.

Leena giggled shyly, "Eehh bs lat goolen 7ag a7ad okayy?" Leena smiled shyly.

Oho boga a7ad ma dara?

"Lat 7ateen goolay goolay," Manal faked a smile.

"Ya3ne u-umm ana mo3jabaa eb Sa3ad, sha59eeta wayed 7elwa w kalama w kel shay 3ana, a7es ya3ne madre, bs ma ya36eeni wayh madre shasawe," Leena frowned. Her words went into Manal's heart like a sharp knife, Manal held back her tears.

"Ahaa, wallah madre shagoolich, u-umm yimken y7eb wa7da thanya," Manal tried to act normal, she didn't want Leena to notice that she was dying from inside.

"Et9adgeen? Kalamich 97, shakla chii, bs 9ibrayy 3alaay, r7 ayeeb rasaa, ana Leena," Leena winked at Manal and Manal's mouth formed a slight 'o' as her eyes widened in shock.

"La2 la2 Leena, mo min 9ijich, 7araam 3alich, entay bent eshzeenich, itha may 7ebich oho el5asraan, lat saween chethi!!" Manal jolted out trying her best not to give her best friend a laser glare.

"Shfeech? Ma r7 asaweela shay, ma r7 a'9era oho," Leena's eyes were filled with envy and hatred.

"Bsmeellaaahhh Leenoo lat saween shay, 7araam 3alich, yimken y7ebha jad," Manal was frightened, she felt her heart beats accelerate as she stared into Leena's chocolate devilish eyes.

"Ana lama a7i6 a7ad eb rasee ayeeba ya3ne ayeeba," Leena growled with laughter. Manal quickly brushed off Leena as she took her cup of coffee and rushed to the elevator making her way up.

My Own Area...

Today? My Own Area is OUR Own Area...

El mawthoo3 oho?

"Kelman yetmana shay, kelman weda eb shay, kelman 5a6ra ysawe shay, bs shno hal shay? Thalath ashya2 bs, timanaw ay shay, ely taboona, bs thalath omniyaat.. Shno ti5taroon?!"

You can answer in the comment bar below or in, remember it's anonymous:D

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chapter 33 - Colorful Love

I know I'm amazing:$ Posting reallyyyy fast haha x But you guys deserve it.
I wish you all goodluck with your exams and since I finished I'll be posting for you guys so you can have a break from studying and enjoy a post:D

Okay so I have been asked a lotttttt this question, "Samar 3endi emti7aan w mo 3arfa adres wala arakizzzzz, tikfa sa3deeni shasawee?:(" So I decided to answer here to help all of you guys. Here are a bit tips:

1- Take a shower, showers always waken you up and make you feel fresh and clean.
2- Find a comfortable place, far away from your siblings and from noises.
3- Make sure the AC is on, for me? Personally? I can't study when it's hot, and I can't study when it's cold, so I change it depending on how I feel.
4- YOUR PHONE??? THIS CREATURE HAS TO BE SHUT DOWN!!! No, no, don't tell me you won't touch it, don't tell me i'll put it on silent, you switch it off and put it far away from you, give it to a sibling or put it in another room, or hide it somewhere. Believe me, even if you say you won't touch it, as soon as you get a notification or you feel a vibration your hand will automatically search for it and fiddle with it, 5 minutes will become 30 minutes and you'll get out of the mood of studying.
5- Make yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea *If you make tea I personally advise you to add za3faran to it, or I sometimes add cinnamon sticks, makes it taste better*, also a milkshake will do.
6- Dark chocolate, or maybe some fruits.
7- Personally? I can't study with my hair down, it gets in my way and I get annoyed and keep fiddling with it and touching it, so tie your hair up, maybe in a bun or something.
8- Okay so I heard this from a friend, before studying spray perfume, on the day of the exam spray the same type of perfume, they say the scent helps you remember.
9- This is most important, ED3AAWWW!!! And before going to your exam pray and id3aw, when god is with you? You can't go wrong.
10- Always think positive, that's a book, are you going to let a book beat you? GO KICK IT'S BUTT!!!!

I hope I helped!!:D

This is dedicated to my baby @Skalhajri , Goodluck honey, you can ace this.
And also @Danasultan , It was her birthday *MAY 25* I love youuuuu!!!! You are like the most amazing creature on earth<3.<3

5ala9 basket el7een:c
Enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to give me feedback.

"Bsmeelllaahhhh bsmeeellllaaahhh bsmeeellllaaahhhhh, ya raaabbb ya raaabbbb ya raaabbbb!!!!" Manal kept on praying to herself in a low voice, she was petrified. She kept on moving back and forth against the white wall. It's been hours, the sun came out and still Sa3ad was inside. "Ya raabbbb mafee shay, ya rabb mafee ela el 5air, ya rabbb, ya raabb, ya raabbb!!!"

"Shfeech?!" Bader asked looking suspicious.

"Ha? La mafeeni shay, bs ena met9argi3a, shakla kan y5ari3 w oho y9ari5 w bs i5tara3t,"

"Met2ked ena mafee shay, 3ad entay kela et7ateen 3ala wala shay," Bader said.

"Ana shako fee? Irfeejik ent, ana shako, bs ena i5tara3t l2na 9aar el mawgef jedami," Manal was dying from inside but she drew a smile on her face, she didn't want Bader to sense anything. "Ana baroo7 el 7amaam," Manal left him and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as she walked in she burst out into tears, she just wanted to fall back into Sa3ad's arms, she wanted to see him. It was like a fire was burning deep within her heart, she was impatient, she wanted to see him right NOW!!

"Bsmeelllaaahhh ya rab ya raaabbb," Tears cascaded down her face.

After fixing herself up and washing her face, she walked out with a fake smile plastered on her face. She walked towards Bader.

"Ha basher shno 9aar?!" Manal asked.

"Lel7een ma 6ala3 el dictor," Bader said.

"Aaahhh okay," Manal fiddled with her hands. Her eyes were filling with tears threatening to fall over, she tried to stop them falling, she didn't want Bader to notice.

Suddenly the doctor walked out, Bader and Manal rushed to him.

"Ha? Bashr dictoor shfeeh?!" Bader asked.

"La mako ela kel 5air enshallah, bs yofathal akalmik ebroo7ik estath Bader," The doctor looked down at Manal.

"Manal dishay," Bader ordered.

"Inshallah," Manal almost ran into he room, she was worried.

Manal peeked into the room, she found Sa3ad laying down on the bed. She took a few steps closer not wanting to look at Sa3ad yet, she was scared that she would break down in front of him. Sa3ad's eyelids swiftly slid up and his chocolate eyes met Manal's, there were hues of yellow in them and faint red little lines that had been connected into his pupil. His face was frail and weak, he smiled faintly.

"Sa3ad?" Manal weakly called out, her voice was cracking. She felt a lump rise in her throat, she pushed it down. I'm not going to cry!

"Shfeech? Laish 5afya? Ta3alay," Manal took a few steps closer and Sa3ad sat up.

"La la Sa3ad, khalek minsidi7.." Manal's voice trembled.

"Lat 7ateen mako shay," Sa3ad smiled weakly.

"Sa3ad shfeek? Hathe mo awal mara yeyeelik 3awar, Sa3ad allah y5aleek goolee shfeek?!" Hot tears trickled down her face.

"El7een shako tabcheen shako ha? La tabcheen ufff!!" Sa3ad said in an annoyed tone.

Manal wiped her tears with the back of her hand then pushed her hands onto her eyes rubbing them as she sobbed, She was like a 3 year old baby in front of Sa3ad.

"Ya bent el nas kane shoofenii mafeeni shay, shfeech entay? Ela tabeen ykoon feeni shay, mafeeni shay ya a5yy!!" Sa3ad stretched his arm out and pulled Manal closer to his side, "La tabcheen la tabcheeen," He begged her.

"Sa3ad shfeekkkk!! Goully shfeek!" Manal's tears continued to drop.


"Lat 9aree555 lat 9aree555,"

"Zain lat narfeze-" Sa3ad couldn't continue his sentence, "Aa-aayyyy aayyyyy ba6neeeee," Sa3ad pressed his palm against his stomach.

"Sa3ad shfeeekkk Sa3ad," Manal burst out into tears, "Dictoorrr," Manal was about to call the doctor before Sa3ad pulled her wrist stopping her.

"Lat roo7een mafeeni shayy mafeeni shayy," Sa3ad's face twisted in pain.

"Sa3ad allah y5aleekkk Sa3ad lat sawee chii, anadee 3ashan ysa3dek," Tears ran down, she felt her heart shatter watching him in pain.

"Ga3 agoolich mafeeni shay," Sa3ad's words came out with difficulty.

Ya raaabb ma y6la3 fee shay chayd!!

Ya raabb la ta7remnii menaa!!

Ya raab shafeeehhhh!!

Manal couldn't control herself, her tears were falling non-stop and her eyes got redder by the second. It stung her painfully, her heart ached watching him.

Suddenly the door knob turned, Manal quickly moved away and wiped her tears.

"Salaam, shlonik?!" Bader smiled.

"Halaa bel 7abeeb, wallah tamaam eb 5air," Sa3ad replied.

"Yallah 3ad la titdalaa3, tara ychatheb 3alaina mafeeh shay," Bader chuckled and Sa3ad laughed along as Manal drew a fake smile on her lips.

"Meta y6al3ooni?!" Sa3ad asked.

"Lazem tig3ad cham youm," Bader said.

"Laish cham youm? Shfeeh?!" Manal asked as her pupils widened.

"La mafeeh shay bs lazem endal3a shway, 9ayer di3laa," Bader mocked.

"Ana baroo7 el 7amaam," Manal stated bluntly.

"Bsmelllaahhh tawich ray7a el 7amaam, ma meedach," Bader snickered.

"Eeehh shasawe abee el 7amaam," Manal walked out trying to ignore eye contact with Sa3ad.

Manal rushed out the room making sure she closed the door behind her. She made her way to the receptionist, with every step her heart accelarated, with every step she began to shake, she feared of hearing bad news, she wanted to know what was wrong with him but she didn't want to know that she might lose him. Tears kept cascading continuously, she couldn't stop. Thoughts of her losing Sa3ad kept twiling in her head, it scared her to death. She felt heat bounce up and down in her body with ever step.

"Law sima7tay," Manal caught the name tag on the women sitting behind the desk, Reem.

"Ahlain 7abebty, amreeni," Reem smiled to Manal.

"Kent bas2al 3an mareeth 3indkom,"

"Shsmaa?!" Reem asked.

"Sa3ad Al Flanyy, kent ba3aref shfeeh bilthab6?!" Manal asked curiously.

"3afwan bs shet9ereenla?!"

"Ana i5taa," Manal lied.

"Wallah ma 5abee 3alich bs 3ogb el ashe3a Sa3ad 6ala3 feeh Crohn's disease.."

*Crohn's disease = Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It usually affects the intestines.*

It was like someone just slapped Manal harshly, tears ran down her face, she couldn't control herself.

"Cro-ohn's disease?!" Manal hiccuped through her sobs, "W shno 3ilajaa?!" Manal pouted.

"Well there are some medications he has to take, he has to drink a lot of water also and avoid any fatty, greasy or fried foods for a while. We will be giving his some iron supplements, calcium, vitamin D and B12 because he will be feeling very weak. He has to avoid stress also, I'm sorry for you to hear this but it's severe and so we has to do a surgery to remove any damaged or diseased parts of the intestine."

Manal felt the women's words hit her ear-drums hardly, she slowly walked away from her as she made her way to the nearest wall. She couldn't believe what she heard, she just wanted to lean against a wall because she felt someone hold the room and turn it. She felt dizzy and in pain, tears kept falling non-stop, her heart ached her strongly. Manal pushed her body against the wall and slowly moved down sitting herself down on the white marbled floor. She pulled her legs up and began to sob hysterically. She felt apart of her heart being pulled out, she was frightened, she didn't want to lose him, she didn't imagine life without him.

Manal went to the bathroom and washed her face then made her way back to Bader and Sa3ad trying to act like she never found out.

As soon as she walked in the sight of Sa3ad made her want to cry, she held herself. How he smiled to her weakly stung her so painfuly.

"Mo chna 6awaltay?!" Bader asked.

"Eeehh kent ga3 ashrab maay," Manal lied as she faked a smile.

"Ana baroo7 ayeeb malabes emshay wiyaay Manal," Bader said. Manal really wanted to stay but she feared that Bader would get suspicious and sense something.

"Okay," Manal dragged her body towards the door.

"Aw agoolich gi3dayy gi3dayy a5af y7taaj shay hal ta3baan," Bader chuckled as he made his way out leaving Manal and Sa3ad in the room.

"Shfeech?!" Sa3ad gave her a charming smile.

"Mafeeni shay," Manal slowly walked over pulling a chair to his side and sat down near him.

"Yba shfeech laish chii et5izeeni?!"

"La bs chii, ela ma galek el dictor laish ga3 eyeelik 3awaar?!"

"3ade ya3ne ma5ith bared,"

"Bared," Manal nodded.

"El7een ana el ta3baan wela entay? Entay mafrooth etdaleleeni w etratheeni mo el 3aks,"

"Y9eer 5air,"

"Zain 3a6shaan," Sa3ad acted like a 3 year old. "Sharbeeni maay," He crossed his arms and looked at her innocently with a charming smile playing along his lips.

A smile plastered on her face, "Zain 5ala9 el7een aroo7 ayeeblik maay min ta7aat," Manal got up and made her way to the door.

"Lat 6awleen," Sa3ad yelled trying to make sure she hears him as she leaves.

"7athr," Manal closed the door behind her and walked down stairs to the cafeteria area.

Manal glanced at the food that was put behind the glass, hmmm donuts, muffins, cookies, croissant.. Her eyes moved down the trays of food making her feel hungry. Water Manal water!! But wait, he didn't eat anything, maybe I should get him a turkey and cheese croissant, I'm sure he's hungry, rememebr no fatty, greasy or fried foods, lets make it two bottles of water, remember what the doctor said? A lot of water. Okay so two bottles of water and a turkey and cheese croissant.

"Can I take your order ma'am?!" The voice bulldozed Manal, she quickly shut her thoughts and looked up.

"Yes please, I want two bottles of water and a cheese and turkey croissant, make it hot please,"

"Cheese and turkey and water," He pressed a few buttons on his screen then looked up at Manal, "Anything else?!" He asked.

"No thank you," Manal smiled as she took a few steps back not knwoing that someone stood behind her.

"Heeyyy heeyyyy mo chi ydishoon bel nas," The voice made her jump, she quickly turned around to apologize, but as soon as she laid her eyes on the person, not a word came out of her mouth, she was shocked.

My Own Area...

I want to run, I want to hide.
From all the pain he caused inside.
I want to scream, I want to cry.
Why can't I tell him Goodbye?

I want to move on, I just can't let go.
I love him more than he will ever know.
I want to start over, I want to feel free!
But this pain will never leave me.

He hurt me bad, the pain is deep.
From all the promises he couldn't keep.
All the lies, I heard him say.
Are in my head and just won't fade.

How can I forget him, leave him behind?
Erase the memories from my mind?
How when all I think about is him, him and him?<3

La7ad ygoolyy laish? Tara kela poem, ya3ne mo tithbo7ooni bel 3ala el poem okay?=)
Hahaha I love you xx
Don't forget to give me feedback!!:D

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chapter 32 - Colorful Love

Hey! I missed typing, I'm so sorry for the delays and everything, at last I finished my exams and so now I am able to spoil you guys with posts. Please guys can you understand that typing a post takes so much time, I can sit like over 7-9 hours typing and thinking. I have to think *P.S: Thinking takes so much time, I have to sometimes make some research and ask about stuff, I need to get inspired to write chapters, which is by listening to some music, listening to real stories sometimes from my readers that DM me*, I try to tense everything up, type, add stuff, read over it, add more to it, make sure it's long, make sure it's interesting to read, then check and re-read like three times making sure that I don't want to add anything and checking for any spelling mistakes. Please appreciate it and bare with me, it takes time and effort and a good mood. I can't type when I feel awful and tired, the post wouldn't be as good as when I am in a good mood, okay?? Haha I love you all.

It was my blogs birthday yesterday *May 24th*, yaaayyyyyy, happy birthday to my blog<3
It's been such a good experience, you guys aren't just readers but you are my friends and apart of my family. I would never imagine my life without walking up in the morning and tweeting in my blog twitter account, without joking around and tweeting, without my fa9la moments, without my cravings and ta7el6em, without your cheering up, without my short stories, without typing and writing stories, without YOU!!! I can't imagine myself without you guys, you are part of me, you are my family, you are my everything. Yes you are, believe it or not, you are!! You make my day, you can easily change my mood, you were always there for me, and I am sure that I was always there for anyone that needed anything. You guys? I can't describe. You guys? Are amazing. I love you all, and this is coming from deep beneath my heart, I truly love you all, you are my sisters, my friends, my family, my everything!!<3
Allllaaahhhh la yi7remnii minkom, allahhhh y5aleekom leeyyy, goolaww ameen:c

Also I would love to dedicate this chapter to a few people:

1- To @N2kaim , @alrefaie751 , @yasmeen_hhj , @7wra2AlB , @fay_alkhater , for being such amazing supporters and so sweet, they are the most sweetest people I ever met, sorry I couldn't mention more, you are all sweet but If I write you all I wouldn't finish:( I love you girls x

2- To -chocolate , -Ghamaa , -sol , -shay mait , -R_ramboo , - @amazedbylovee , -cookie , -S , -Maryyam , -R* , -RJ , -As , -R.95 , -Madliar , -fofowa , -are aich , -MK !!! You know that I teared up after reading all the comments, there were so cuteeee!! I swear I teared up, some of you don't put initials so I can't dedicate it to you personally, bs this is for YOU!!! And for all you guys also, because you easily make me smile with just a few words, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. *Asket el7een 3ashan you don't kill me and enjoy the chapter?:'D*

3- To my beautiful birthday girl, May 25 my babyyyyy @F05x_ , Happppyyyy birthdayyyy, el 3omr kela enshallah, a7bicchhhhhh!! Enjoy it, you are amazinggg!! Ily yza3lich? Ya waylaa minii!!! Lat 5aleen a7ad y5areb your mood aw wallah aroo7 a5areb wayha:@ okayyy? I LOVE YOU BABYYY!!<3

4- I want to make a special dedication to one of the most special people on earth, to my mother, it's her birthday today, and this is a special dedication to her, for all what she did for me, for all her advises and standing next to me and helping me and giving stuff away just for me and for my sake, she is a great women, I realllyyyy love you mummmmyyyyyy. No guys I'm not a baby, I'm a grown up, but when it comes to my mother? Yes, I become a 3 year old baby.
Ya yma i7tert eb 3eedich wsh ahdeech? Amreeni ya yma, el roo7? kelha fidaach! Asheelich eb 3aini ya yma w ad3ee ena allaahh y6awel eb 3omrich w y5aleech lena yal '3alyaa, a7bich ya yma w hamii bel dinya rithaach, ya a'3laa min 3araft eb 3omryy w 7ayatee, da3ait allaahh bel firdoos yijma3ne ma3aachh. Ya 3asa 3eedich ya yma 3alaina y3ood, mahma wi9aft w mahma gilt feech zood, abgaa bi7agich emga9ra ya yma. Law laach ya yma ma kaan lyy bildinya wojood w shlon ansaach ya yma eb a7laa el a3yaad? A7bich ya ymaa<3

5- To all you amazing, lovely, beautiful people out there. Believe in yourself always, believe in what you want, believe it so hard, want it so hard, work for it so hard, and you'll get it. Don't underestimate yourself, nothing is impossible..
You can and you will<3

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to give me feedback xx
Love you all

"Yallaahhhh yallaaahhhhh malaaaiiittt w yi3ttttt, tara bi7ooshni jonoon bogarr el7een," Noor complained in her annoying voice.

"Entay already feech jonoon bogar ya3ne mo shay yideed," Bader teased her.

"Hidoonii 3alih hatha, hidooni 3alih," Noor was almost screaming.

"Yr7am omich encha3mayy, yr7am omich tikfa," Jawa begged her.

"Shasawii? El yoo3 kafer," Noor frowned.

"W ka 360," Sa3ad giggled.

"A5eeeraaannn wallah 7ashnii 9ooda3," Manal said in relief.

They parked the car and met up with Jassim, Leena, Lamaar and Remas.

"Abyy al3ab minaak, abyy abyyy," Remas nagged as she pointed to the games area up in 360.

"Shway w enroo7, bs 5al netmasha w net'3ada okayy?!" Manal smiled.

"Okayy," Remas smiled back.

"Ha? Wain taboon nakel?!" Jassim asked.

"Amaa el akel 3alaayy, shoof ako Fridays w Mac w KFC w..." Noor was interrupted.

"6aleb el menu ana wela shno?!" Jassim laughed.

"Emshaw Fridays," Leena stated.

"La ufff male 5ilgaaa thegeeel," Lamaar said.

"Ohhhhhh bs 3ad, ana banagee," Jawa shut them.

"Ya jama3a, ya jama3a ensawe voting w nertaa7," Bader suggested.

They voted and the winning place to eat at was Fridays..

As soon as Sa3ad sat down Leena raced to sit next to him without hesitation or shame, Manal glared at her as she took a seat next to Jassim. Sa3ad shot her a death stare not wanting her to sit there, but she totally ignored him.


Sa3ad: "7elo mokanich:D"
Manal: "IKR;) Haha,"
Sa3ad: "Swap?!"
Manal: "La2 5alik 3end 7abebat el galb, ba3dain 7aram tiz3al:o"
Sa3ad: "Bidainaa?"
Manal: "You're starting it,"
Sa3ad: "You're jealous:D"
Manal: "Well so are you;)"

Children you can say?

Manal closed her phone and faced them.

Da-ling! Da-ling! Da-lingggg..!

Manal gazed down at her phone to find an unknown number calling her, she rushed to answer curiously wanting to know who it was.

"Nassor 5ali9 yoba wagif bara ana 9arlyy sina," The voice bursted out of Manal's phone.

"Alo-oo?" Manal crocked.

"Nasser?" He asked in confusion.

"U-um la, ra8am '3ala6 o5ooy," Manal stuttered.

"Wallah asef asef," He quickly said.

"La 3adee, ma3 el salama," Manal closed the phone without even hearing a goodbye back.

"Mno?!" Bader asked.

"Shdarani ra8am '3ala6," Manal explained.

"Ahhh ok," Bader continued his conversation with Jassim.

"Yallah ya jama3a 6elbaww!!" Noor nagged.

"I6leblyy mithlik Sa3ad," Leena said with a smile as she closed the menu.

"Ha? Aahh," Sa3ad looked at Manal not knowing what to say, "Ana mabe akel u9lan," Sa3ad smiled.

"3ayal ana mabe akel," Leena crossed her arms. Swearing words built up in Manal's head as she shot Leena firing stares.

"Haha," Sa3ad faked a laugh not knowing what to say.

"Ana baroo7 el 7amaam, anyone care to come?!" Manal asked, but everyone was too busy with their conversations. "Fine I'll go alone," Manal stood up.

"Hey la wait lat roo7en ebroo7ich kela shabaab," Bader said trying to be protective about his sister.

"Ana awadeeha, ana awadeeha," Sa3ad stood up. Leena was about to talk but Sa3ad rushed out the restaurant forcing Manal to quickly follow him.

"Shfeech?!" Sa3ad chuckled when they got out.

"Mafeeni shay," Manal smiled.

"Shabaat nar el '3eera," Sa3ad teased her.

"Ughhh. I seriously don't know how I stand you,"

"Afaa," Sa3ad talked as if he was a 3 year old baby.

"Stu-" Manal was about to continue but suddenly Sa3ad stopped walking. She quickly stopped and faced him, his face was pale and he had his palm pressed against his stomach. It was like he was in pain, he winced and shut his eyes as his forehead furrowed. "Sa3ad? Sa3aaaddd!" Manal's voice full of worry and fear. "Sa3ad shfeek? Sa3ad!" Manal brushed her small fingers against his arm, he was still wincing in pain. "SA3AAADDD SA3AAADDDD!!!!" Her voice getting louder, she was petrified.

"A-aayyyyyy," Sa3ad's screeched out. Manal's eyes were full of worry.

"Sa-a3ad shfeek Sa3ad Sa3aaadd," Manal's tears streamed down her soft skin.

"Ma-afeenii emshay emshayy," Sa3ad's face was twisted with pain, he tried to walk slowly still having his palm pressed against his stomach fearing that Manal would get scared and worried about him.

"La feek Sa3ad feek," Manal's tears cascaded down as she pushed her fingers against Sa3ad's arm causing him to stop.

"El7een laish ga3 tabcheen?!" Sa3ad smiled weakly as he looked into Manal's eyes knowing that she was terrified about him.

"Sa3ad sh9ayr? Shfeek shfeeekkkk?" Manal couldn't control herself, she kept asking in fear.

"7abebtyy 9adgeeni mako shay laish ga3 tabcheen el7een? La tabcheen, mako shay 9adgeeni!" Sa3ad calmed her as he wiped her tears away. Each drop was more expensive than anything in this world to him. A smile plastered on Sa3ad's face, he liked the feeling of having her care and worry about him like he meant everything to her.

"E7leef!!" Manal pouted.

"Lat 7ancheen el7een gilna mako shay, shoofay ka mafeeni ela el 3afya," Sa3ad tried standing up straight and smiling, showing her that there was nothing wrong but his eyes were filled with pain.

"Inzain," Manal didn't believe him.


Manal tossed and turned in her bed, she couldn't sleep. She kept thinking of Sa3ad, she sensed that there was something.
Manal then dragged herself off the bed and opened the door making her way down stairs. The sun was still not out and the shaleh was so quiet. She made her way to the fridge getting out the bottle of milk as she poured a cup for herself.

"Shg3 etsaween?!" The voice behind Manal made her jolt up, her heart was about to explode out her chest from fear. She quickly turned around to find Sa3ad.

"Bsmeelllllllaaaaahhhhhhhh," Manal gasped as she pressed her hand against her chest, feeling her heart beats. "You scared the hell out of me," Manal still feeling her heart accelerate as she returned the bottle of milk back into the fridge and sat down on the stool and pushed the glass of cold milk against her lips.

"Asef, mo ga9dee," Sa3ad gave her a charming smile as he took a seat infront of her. "Why are you up?!"

"Why are YOU up?!" Manal rolled her eyes.

"Couldn't sleep," Sa3ad stated.

"Me neither," Manal smiled.

"Tawich za3lana 3alay?!" Sa3ad asked.

"Shway," Manal smiled.

"Aaahhh enratheech?!" Sa3ad gave her a sexy half smile.


"Wayed r7 tit'3alain?!"

"Eeehhh Manal thegeela!"

"5oosshhh thegeela, bs 3ala '3airee mo 3alay ana," Sa3ad hissed to her. "En'3aneelich?!" He asked.

"Uu-mmm," And before Manal could continue Sa3ad began to sing in a low voice...

"9adegnee eblees da5el baini w bainik, walaa ana adre fee galbik ma y5aleeni, ma3goola sibat za3al a6ee7 min 3ainik? W ana ely min '3arik enta, ma abee 3aini.. Yallaaahhhhh, 7abebyyy el 3omrii kelaa, 5al el za3aaal 5alaaa, fedaitik.." Manal giggled. His voice was filled with passion and strength, very muscular. He continued to sing, "Layl7een ma shift ana min 6eebtik shainaa, lo ma ti7s enta feeni, min y7is feeni? Fedait ana 6eeb galibik, yal '3alaaah w zainik, amoot amoot ya 7ayatee lo tijafeeni, yallaahhh 7abebyyy el 3omrii kelaa, 5al el za3aaal 5alaaa, fedaitik.. Arthaa-" Sa3ad was interrupted by Manal's phone.

Da-ling! Da-ling! Da-lingggg..!

They both stared at the screen.

"Mno?!" Sa3ad asked, lifting one eye-brow.

"Madre ra8am '3areeb," Manal said.

"Yeebay," Sa3ad stretched out his arm.

"La yimken irfeejti wait," Manal slide her finger across the screen and pressed the phone against her ear. "Alo-o?!" Her voice trembled. "Mno?!" Manal's eyes widdened and Sa3ad stared at Manal impatiently wanting to know who the caller was.

"Asef ra8am '3ala6," The muscular voice sounding so familiar but Manal couldn't figure out who it was.

"La 3adee," Manal closed the line. Her forehead furrowed in confusion as she placed the phone on the black marbled table.

"Mno?!" Sa3ad asked again.

"Madre, ra8am '3areeb,"

"Mo chna hathe thani ma-" Suddenly Sa3ad stopped talking, his face twisted again in pain. Manal shot up and rushed to his side.

"Sa3ad shfeek? Sa3ad!!" Manal placed her palm against Sa3ad's crimson shirt. Her heart raced, her tears threatening to fall over.

"Aaaaayyyyyyyy," Sa3ad clenched his fist, his nails digging deeper into his palm as he shut his eyes tighter allowing wrinkles to form. Manal's heart shattered seeing him in pain.

"Sa3ad Sa3aaadddd," Manal shoke his shoulder as she held his shirt tightly.

"Aaaayyyy ba6neee, aaaayyyyyyy," Sa3ad couldn't take it anymore, he felt the inner of his stomach rip apart. He began to screech in pain, his voice banging into Manal's ears drums as her sockets filled up with tears and she began to yell for help not knowning what to do or say. Sa3ad clutched on Manal's wrist, tightening his grip by the second. Fury raced through her body, heating her to her very core and igniting a flame so hot within her heart. Hot tears trickled down her face, "SA3AAAADDDD!!!" A scream escaped her trembling lips.

My Own Area...

Elyoum 7aba a5alee My Own Area et9eer OUR Own Area...
You can write whatever you want, remember it's anonymous so I won't know who you are, you can say everything, anything. You can write as much as you want and share it with others.

El mawthoo3 oho??

"Why do we always run after people that don't want us and leave the people that are doing everything for us? Why do we follow those who ignore us and skip those who would take a bullet for us? Why?"

You answer...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, lat 7atoon ma r7 a6awel 3alaikom<3
I love you all xx
Don't forget to give me feedback and I will answer each and everyone!:D


Monday, May 20, 2013

Chapter 30 & 31 - Colorful Love

I'm an amazing blogger 97:$ Typing almost everyday now, inshallah it stays like this:o
Okay so lets make something clear shall me?

Since I'm writing SHARII season 2 after this let me explain to you guys how it will be, see the last part I wrote? Which was something like Shahad marrying Osama and getting kids and so on..... < This part is going to be erased, like totally taken out of the story, I will start from after a month of Osama's kidnapping of Shahad. Clear? If you have any questions or anything isn't clear you can DM me or ask me on, @blogger_kuwait :D

I was going to leave this as two separate chapters, but I'm too lazy so I decided to squeeze them in one, lol. So this is chapter 30 and 31:o

I'm not feeling really well, I think i'm getting a virus or something cause I have green and purple bruises all over my body and I feel terrible with a high fever so bare with me if there are spelling mistakes or anything thats wrong l2ana 9ij day5a w ga3 akteb post bs 3ashankom:(<3 Yes, I love you that much:o

This post is dedicated to @ASulaimanT for being such a sweet heart and an amazing person and to @RayanSM for being so cute and an amazing friend and such a funny person, I ADORE YOU BOTH!! Or let me say I adore you all, you all can easily turn my frown upside down in just a second with your lovely words and comments x

Enjoy my lovelies<3

"Sa3ad I think we should take a break from each other," Manal stuttered.

"SHNO?!" Sa3ad yelled in shock. Her words stung him painfully, he felt like someone ripped his heart apart, like he was about to lose everything.

"Ely sima3ta," Manal said as coldly as possible trying to avoide any eye contact.

"Min 9ijich?!" Sa3ad's forehead furrowed in disappointment.

"It's for the best," Hot tears trickled down her face. Her eyes had miniature red veins and her pouty lips were frowning.

"La Manool la," Sa3ad jolted in disbelief, his voice sounding panicked and alerted. He took a few steps towards her but she quickly dabbed her small fingers on his hard chest trying to keep him away. Manal felt her goose bumped body heat up as tears cascaded down her soft skin.

"Sa3ad i6la3 bara please," Tears ran down her face.

"Wait ni6ray please allah y5alech Manal ni6ray," Sa3ad pleaded, using every last bit of strength in him. His voice was full of sorrow, it killed her.

"Sa3ad bara," Manal's eyes hardened and so did her voice.

"Ma-anal," Sa3ad croaked. The symphony of her quiet sobs ached him even more.

"Sa3ad el7een a7ad biyeey please i6la3 baraa!!" Manal ordered.

Sa3ad walked outside with his head tilted down, Manal quickly locked the door and sat on her bed as she weeped quietly.


"Sa3ad shfeek?!" Bader's voice bulldozed Sa3ad's thoughts.

"Huh?!" Sa3ad stared at him in confusion.

"9arlyy sa3a akalmik, shfeek?!" Bader asked in an annoyed tone.

"La wallah shay bs sara7t shway, shfeek? shkent etgool?!" Sa3ad tried to cover it up with some lies.

"Kint ga3 agoo.." Bader was interrupted by the annoying Leena.

"Sa3ad 3ade tiyeey etsa3idni, madre shfeeh el jet male," Leena asked as she walked into the shaleh.

"Male 5ilg agoom, Badoor roo7 shoofha," Sa3ad grunted.

Leena looked disappointed, it was obvious that she wanted Sa3ad to help her, her devilish eyes showed that she was up to something.

"La umm 5ala9 3adi, bs malait mina, ma abee al3ab bel jet," Leena's face lit up

Sa3ad held his phone and began to fiddle with it totally ignoring her.

"Shga3 etsawoon?" Leena asked.

"Bs ga3deen, 7ayach," Bader tried to seem kind.

"Til3iboon jinjifa?!" Leena smiled as her devilish eyes sparkled.

"Fougaa," Bader smiled.

"Sa3ad tabe til3ab?!" Leena's eyes widened as she asked him.

"Male 5ilg," Sa3ad answered carelessly as he continued to fiddle with his phone.

"Yallah 3ad yal kaslaan," Leena giggled as she slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Giltlich mali 5ilg lat 7ineen, roo7ay shoofay Jassim aw Jawa," Sa3ad was fueling up in anger.

"Zain 5ala9 lat 3a9eb," Leena quickly backed off.

"Wain Jawa?!" Bader asked trying to hide his smile.

"Bara til3ab bel jets," Leena answered with a delightful smile.

"Roo7ay nadeeha," Sa3ad ordered her trying to get rid of her in any way. Bader smiled as if he was about to say that.

"7athr," She bared her teeth.

"Awal mara tismi3een el kalam, 3adatan kela tit7al6imain," Bader stated mockingly.

"Shako," Leena's face went pale as she walked out.

Sa3ad pulled out his phone to whatsapp Manal,

Sa3ad: "Manal?"

Manal came online, read it, then went offline. The fact that Sa3ad knew she was crying stung him painfully. He closed his phone and looked at Bader, Bader was too into the football match that was on TV.

"Bader emsh 5al 6ali3hom wallah malait min el ga3da bel shaleh," Sa3ad suggested.

"Eehhh wallah et9adig, 7ail zahgaa, emsh emsh 5an 6ali3hom," Bader agreed.

Remas suddenly walked in...

"Chni sima3t ena r7 ni6la3," Remas pouted out innocently as she took a sip of the glass of milk she clutched on.

"A3ootho belahyyy min el shay6an el rajeem, besmelllaahhhh, shfeech gilabtayy yiniya, ti6li3eenlena eb kel mokana, may 6oofich shay?!" Sa3ad stated.

"Ana yiniya? Shift nafsik? Chnik edrakoola," Remas pulled a face.

"Agool yal thobana 3adlayy eslobich la el7een a3algich bel marwa7a," Sa3ad fought back.

"Na3am? Matha tagool? What are you saying?!" Remas put her hand on her waist as she stared at Sa3ad.

"Iglibat motarjima el i5t," Sa3ad chuckled.

"Ista'3far allah," Bader lifted an eye-brow. "Esma3 Sa3ood ana baroo7 agool 7ag ily bara yalbisoon w ent i5th hal nisra w 3a6ha 7ag Manal 5at labis'ha,"

"Enshallah," Sa3ad said.

Bader walked outside to call them, Sa3ad quickly looked at Remas.

"Remas ta3alay bakalmich eb salfa chaydaa," Sa3ad whispered.

"Chaydaa? Shno ya3ne?!" Remas asked in her childish voice.

"Entay ta3alay w bet3arfeen," Sa3ad said.

"Kane yayaa," Remas made her way to Sa3ad as he pony tail moved. "Ha shno?!" Remas asked as she laid her elbows on Sa3ads legs and continued to sip her milk.

"Hidayy hal 7aleeb 9ayratlee chnich ebgara," Sa3ad chuckled.

"Hey tara wallah a6igik el7een," Remas held her fist up threatening to hit him.

"Zain 5ala9 sim3ay sim3ay," Sa3ad quieted her down.

"Shno?!" Remas asked as her eyes widened.

"Baswe ma3ach etifaq, zain?! Abeech etsa3deeni eb sha'3la, itha sa3ateeni? Bashtreelich 7alaw w bo6aa6 eb 3ashr dinaneer," Sa3ad continued to whisper.

"3ASHHHERRR DINANEERRR???!" Remas's pupils widened and so did her mouth.

"Eehh kafwich," Sa3ad snickered.

"3ishreen," Remas smiled as she crossed her hands around her chest.

"6araara titshara6," Sa3ad gave her a death stare.

"Ana ily abee asawe el shay? Wela ent ily tabeeni asawee?!" Remas lifted both her eyes-brows as she stared at him, hiding her smile.

"Entayy cham 3omrich? Wallah ana lama kent yahel wala kent adre 3an hawa daar el floos," Sa3ad stuttered.

"Ma tabee? 5ala9 kaifik," Remas threatened him of leaving.

"Uffff zain 5ala9 ba3ad shasawe," Sa3ad gave up.

"Zain shno el shay ely basa3deek feeh?!" Remas asked.

"Ana emza3el Manal," Sa3ad finally said.

"Eshgayel laha?!" Remas asked.

"Entay shako?! Ana w Manal metza3leen, abeech etratheena, bs mo etgoolen 7ag a7aad!! Etha giltay 7ag a7ad? Ma a36eech 3ishreen dinar," Sa3ad continued to whisper.

"3ishreen etha sawait'ha w 3ishreen etha ma gilt 7ag a7ad, ya3ne hathi arbi3een, zain," Remas giggled as she fiddled with her fingers counting how much she would get.

"La2 7abebty, 3ashra 7ag hatha w 3ashra 7ag hatha," Sa3ad explained.

"Laish shayifne ir5ee9a lay hal daraja ya3ne?! Mako, ma amshee ela eb arbi3een, la et5aleeni azeedhom 3ashra," Remas threatened him in her childish voice.

"Ista'3far allah 3ala hal 6araara, 5ala9 amree lallah, shaswe ba3ad," Sa3ad agreed.

"5ala9 ta3al," Remas stretched her arm out and Sa3ad slid his hand into hers. Her small baby fingers were wrapped around his huge muscular hand. She dragged him along with her to Manal's room. Her hands were so cold against Sa3ad's and also tiny in comparison with his.

They got to Manal's room and Remas began to bang the door with her diminutive fist.

"Manaaaalllllll, Maaaaanaaaaaalllll," Remas yelled in her squeaky childish voice. "Fichayyy el baaabbbb, Manaaaalllll,"

"Shtabeeennnn?!" Manal yelled, her voice startling Remas.

"Manal entay elyy da5el wela el wa7sh?" Remas frowned.

"Anaa anaaa, male 5ilgich Remas, tikfa hideeni," Manal said.

"Bader gale ayey 3indich 3ashan etbadlenlyy ihdoomi," Remas explained innocently in a childish tone.

"Zain digeega," Manal yelled out.

A few seconds past by and suddenly the door knob turned and Manal opened the door. Her eyes were red from crying, seeing her like that made Sa3ad's heart ache.

"Bader gal alabsich ma gaal alabes Sa3ad," Manal smiled sarcastically as she crossed her arms.

"Eeehhh mo ana 3ashan a5ith el a3bi3een di.." Sa3ad quickly kicked Remas pausing her.

"Ay arbi3een?!" Manal asked.

"Umm ga9dee el arbi3een boosa," Remas looked at Sa3ad and smiled.

"Ayy arbi3een boosa," Manal was lost.

"Arbi3een boosa shno latheeetheeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn," Remas giggled.

"Remas ay boosa ay ba6ee5 ana zain meni maskich," Sa3ad whispered to her as he tightened his grip on her hand.

"5ala9 dishay Remas 5al alabisich, tigdar etroo7 Sa3ad," Manal mumbled.

"7araam Manal sam7eeh, 3ashani," Remas begged.

"Remas entay shako?!" Manal stated bluntly.

"Adre enkom metza3leen," Remas winked.

"Remas 3aib entay malich shi'3el eb sowalif el kbaar," Manal tried to shut her.

"Sowaleeefff ikbaarr? Walich hathe 9ar feeha arbi3een boosa, tadreen shno ya3ne arbi3een boosaaa???! W etgooleli sowalef ikbaar," Remas moved her head.

"Ayyy boosa???!!" Manal asked again as her forehead furrowed in confusion.

"Huh? La walaa shayy," Remas bared her teeth at Manal.

"Gilna arbi3een ya Remas 5al9eena," Sa3ad pushed Remas a bit.

"Siteen 3ashan anafith," Remas stared at Sa3ad as she crossed her arms around her chest.

"5al9aayyy la box el7een shaklich bet5asreeni kel boosatii," Sa3ad said.

"Entaw shit5arbi6oon?!" Manal kept asking.

"Ti9ali7aw 5ala9, please Manal el salfa feeha arbi3een boosa," Remas nagged.

"Inzain momken a3aref shno arbi3een boosa ba3dain asam7a," Manal stared at Remas in confusion.

"Ma agdar agoolich ba3dain et9eer 3ishreen boosa bs," Remas frowned.

"Remasss 5al9eena," Sa3ad whispered.

"Oooohhhhh 3ad rathaitkom 3ala ba3ath yeeb el arbi3een boosa," Remas held her hand out in front of Sa3ad.

"7elmaayyy, 7elmaaayyyy, 7elmaayy eblees bel janaa," Sa3ad looked down at Remas.

"Ya3ni mako arbi3een boosa?" Remas crossed her arms.

"Wayed 5athatayy 3al boos entay," Sa3ad chuckled.

"Uffffff 3a6nee arbi3een dinaar zain," Remas yelled as she put her hand on her waist.

"Remas? Kent ba36eech siteeeenn, bs el7een la arbi3een boosa wala arbi3een dinaar, shimeehom!!" Sa3ad fueled up.

"Mashee mashee, Manaal? Tadreen eshgal 3anich Sa3ad? Gal 3anich kalam wayed mo zain, kalam mo 7elo w gal 3anich chub," Remas blabbered out quickly.

"Wallaahh?!" Sa3ad caught Manal hiding her giggles as she asked.

"Eeehhh thi7kayyy yoba thi7kaay," Sa3ad gave Manal a toothy smile and his dimples sank.

Manal quickly gave me a death stare then slammed the door.
Sa3ad glued his eyes to Remas in anger.

"Meta gilt? W 8a9amaan bellaahhh ma gilt, yal chathabaa!!" Sa3ad slapped Remas's arm lightly.

"Ha? Mo9er ma ta36eeni arbi3een dinaar?!" Remas giggled.

"Itha rathateeha el7een w giltay ena kel kalamich chithb, y9eer 5air!!" Sa3ad said.

"Daam el salfa feeha 7ail moshkiltain? Siteen dinaar lo sima7t!" Remas smiled innocently.

"Oooohooooo, entayy 7alfa etfalseeni wela shno?!" Sa3ad fired at her. "Maanaaaalll fichaayy el baab," Sa3ad banged the door with his fist.

"El7een shlon ya3ni mako siteen dinar?!" Remas growled.

"El7een ba3deech siteen en3aal ana," Sa3ad answered her.

"Sh9ayr?!" Leena startled them.

"Mo 9ayr shay," Sa3ad quickly answered back not wanting Remas to spill anything out.

"3ayal shfeekom et9ar5oon," Leena peeked as she asked in worry.

"Madre Manal gafla el baab athin nayma aw shay," Sa3ad tried to cover up.

Suddenly Manal opened the door.

"Ta3alaayy Remas 5al alabsich," Manal stretched her arm out and Remas slid her hand into Manal's.

Sa3ad gave Manal a half sexy smile as he scratched the back of his neck, she couldn't bare but stare at him. Manal's face reddened as she closed the door.

"Weehhh kahee mo nayma," Leena stated.

"Ee-eehh haha," Sa3ad faked a smile. Leena was so annoying.

"Wain betwadoona?!" Leena asked with a smile.

"Manal shitsaween? Yallah ta3alaayy labseeni," Sa3ad over heard Remas inside the room.

Sa3ad knew that Manal had her ear glued to the door trying to hear their conversation, Sa3ad held his smile.

"Alo-oo? Ga3 akalmik," Leena waved her hand in front of Sa3ad.

"Ha? U-uhh wallah madre, si2layy Bader, yallah ast2then baroo7 albes," Sa3ad mumbled as he past by her and went to his room.


Manal got Remas dressed into a red and white stripped dress as she left her short hair down, she then sat her on a table near by.
Manal then got dressed into a loose shirt and a pair of denim leggings, she pulled on a blazer on top and pulled her long cinnamon hair into a high bun.

"Manal put for me lipstick," Remas pouted out innocently.

"Inshallahhh," Manal tried hiding her smile as she applied some lipstick to Remas's tiny pink lips.

"Ana baroo7 3end Jassim," Remas said as she jumped off the table and made her way to the door. She struggled as she turned the knob and pulled the door open and left the room closing the door behind her.

Da-ling! Manal's phone vibrated, she walked across the room to find a whatsapp from Sa3ad,

Sa3ad: "Libastayy?!"
Manal: "Not really, gtg,"
Sa3ad: "9aber, entay bel darr?"
Manal: "Eehhh, laish?;s"
Sa3ad: "I'm coming,"
Manal: "Sa3ad la2, i5wani ta7at!"

After a few minutes, Manal heard two quiet but hear-able knocks on the door. She stared at the mahogany polished door and at the golden knob.

"It's me," Sa3ad whispered through the door, he tried turning the knob a few times before whispering again; "Manal?"

"Y-yes?" She cracked.

"Open the door.." Sa3ad chuckled to himself, trying to hold back his laughter. Manal felt her face redden as she quickly turned the knob and pulled the door open.

Manal crossed her arms and pouted, "What do you want?!" Sa3ad smiled, his dimples were visible and Manal could feel her insides melt. She couldn't stay mad at him any longer.

Sa3ad walked into the room and shut the door behind him. His hands searched for the knob behind his back, he slide his fingers over the lock and turned it, trapping them in the flower scented room. He smiled again as he slid his fingers through his hair, combing it back.

"Now what?" Manal asked.

"I love you," Sa3ad blurted out, completely unprepared. He hadn't planned his words but his emotions were bare and naked.

"So you came all the way just to tell me that?!" Manal fired at him trying to hide all her emotions.

"I'm sorry, I know that I'm such a pain at times and that I have a really short, bad temper," Sa3ad looked down, his smile faded and was replaced with a small frown.

"Well that's true," She smiled sarcastically.

"I'm trying to change you know," Sa3ad lifted one eye-brow as he stared into her eyes feeling completely lost.

"You told me that a week ago," She smiled again as her eyes hardened.

"B-but," He croaked.

"I'm busy now Sa3ad, can you please leave, I still didn't finish dressing up and anyone can come in any second now," Manal shrugged him off carelessly, it stung his painfully.

"Can you listen to me for a second!" Sa3ad rushed his words out keeping his hopes up.

"Fine, I'm listening," Manal crossed her arms and stared at him, her eyes spoke of raw emotions.

"I'm stupid, I'm senseless at times, maybe also brainless. Idiotic you can say, it's like a cloud of anger and ridiculousness comes open me suddenly, it controls me and I start acting so childish and sluggish. I'm trying my best to stop it, to stop my mindless actions. I admit, I can be such a pain, I boil up quickly at times and act like a nut head, but don't you see that I only do that because I truly love and care about you? I know that isn't an excuse but it's true. I don't do this, well actually I never did this to anyone; it's like this urge in me pulls me and makes me go wild." Sa3ad blurted out lifting his head as his eyes searched for Manal's. Manal believed every last word that came out of his mouth, she could see the emotions in his eyes. And one of those emotions stood out the most; that emotion was love.

Manal's lips suddenly felt sealed against each other, she couldn't utter a word at his reply. The anger in her was all lost and forgotten once she caught the sight of Sa3ad's eyes, his adorable dimples popping out every few seconds.

"Shoofay, ensay kel shay, ensayy 6alaal w Leena w kel shay, I promise i'll try to control my anger and stupidness, I don't want anything to ruin what's between us. Okay?" Sa3ad continued, he saw Manal's speechless expression, she felt grateful that he spoke.

"Okay, thank you Sa3ad." Manal whispered shyly, she stared down at the white carpet of the room, as if they were the most interesting thing ever.

"Yallah baroo7 al7een, tamreen 3la shay?" Sa3ad noticed Manal's shyness and his smile grew, he was enjoying this.

"La2," Manal looked back up at him and smiled back.

"Bye you tomato," Sa3ad chuckled softly after poking one of her reddened cheeks, he turned to leave the room and closed the door behind him. Manal rushed to look at her own reflection in the mirror that was beside her and gasped at how red she was.

Manal pressed the palm of her hands against her cheeks and rubbed them, feeling the heat radiate through her skin. She waited for 10 minutes to pass before she left the room and made her way down the stairs. She couldn't leave right after Sa3ad fearing that someone would become suspicious.

Manal walked down to find them all waiting for her,

"Sa3a talbiseen?" Noor asked mockingly.

"Sorry," Manal quickly said.

"Yallah namshee?" Bader asked.

"Eeehh wain binroo7?" Jassim asked.

"5an roo7 360, wallah min zimaan 3ana," Lamaar suggested.

"Eeehhh wallahhh sha5barii min zimaan ma ri7na," Jawa supported Lamaar.

"5ala9 emshaw 360," Bader glanced at Jawa and plastered a smile on his face.

"Ana basoog," Jassim quickly stated.

"Enroo7 eb sayartain may kafee kilina," Bader said.

"Okay tamaam, sayartii w sayarat Jassim," Sa3ad said.

"Zain, Jawa w Manal w Noor rikbaw wiyana w Lamaar w Leena w Remas rikbaw ma3 Jassim," Bader tried organizing it. Sa3ad smiled knowing that Manal would be sitting in the back seat, right behind him. but Leena's eyes boiled up in anger.

"Mabe ana bakoon ma3 Jawa," Leena jolted.

"Lat 9eeren di3la tara kela 6ireej," Jassim blurted.

"Zain 5ala9 mo ela," Leena pouty lips were frowning.


"Yallaaaahhh yaaallllaaahhhh Sa3aad dooos shway laish mashe 3ala baith?" Noor nagged.

"Nawaroo lat 9ar5een eb othooni yr7am omich," Jawa said.

"Haww shfeekom ya jama3a, shway w no9al," Manal calmed them.

"El yoo3 kafer wsh asawe wsh asawe, yallaahhhh tara bafajer feekom el7een, ba6nee," Noor complained and her lips frowned.

"Ka shway w no9al esta7melay ya a5yy," Bader told Noor.

"Maho ela digayeg ya 3omrii," Noor touched her tummy, "Mahoo ela digayeg w a3abeek, en6er 3alay bs."

"7amdellahh wel shikr," Manal giggled "La bellaahhh yanat hathe,"

Da-ling! Manal reached for her phone to find a whatsapp,

Sa3ad: "Manool<3"

Manal looked up to find Sa3ad gazing at her from the top car mirror. He gave her a breath taking look along with a smile. She was interrupted by the vibration of her phone again,

Sa3ad: "هل تريدين ان اشرح لكي حبي باللغه العربيه؟"
Manal: "أجل" She giggled at how crazy he was, talking to her in formal Arabic.
Sa3ad: "سأكتب جمله وساشرحها لكي وأنتي إفهمي منها"
Manal: "أنشاء الله" She smiled at her screen.
Sa3ad: "الجمله: حبي لكي بقدر حب طفل حزين فاقد امه"
Sa3ad: "الشرح: تشبيه حيث ان شبه حب سعد ل منال بقدر حب الطفل المسكين الذي يشتاق لحضن امه وهذا دليل على ان منال ل سعد حياه وهو لا يستطيع العيش دونها"

Her face flushed in shyness, colours of the forest green and brown wood were mixed around her pupils, the colors were glistering with tears of happiness. He was the cutest ever she couldn't stay mad at him, and she couldn't leave him even if she wanted to. He meant everything to her. She always thought of him as a pillow, where she can cry on and hide her screams at times, a pillow she can hug when she is happy and excited. He was there for her when she faught with her friends, her was there for her when she was happy, when she was sad, when she went crazy, when she was scared. He was there for her always, right there, just beside her.

Do you think she could leave him?

No my own area today, I'm so sorry but I'm reallllllyyyyy busy and I don't have time to write my own area today.
Hope you enjoyed,
Please please please, I make your day with the post? You make my day with the comments, Okayyy?:(
Yalllaaaahhhh ashoof:o
Biggest, amazingest comment gets biggest amazingest dedication!!:D

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chapter 29 - Colorful Love

How was your day my lovely readers? Well mine was amazing:D
See how I love you all? See seeee???? I post even when I have exams:c No bloggers do that:'( Bs I love you guys so muccchhhhh so I have to spoil you:o

Okaayyyy now back to business *LOL shako:p madre I just wanted to say it;$*
Anyways hahaha, I counted up the votes, it took so much time cuz there is like 200 or something votes and some I got from whatsapp and DM cause some readers told me that they don't know how to comment...
And here are the scores:

For number 1, which was to write a whole new story, it got 27 votes..

For number 2, which was to continue SHAGER, it got 68 votes..

For number 3, which was to continue SHARII, it got 233 votes..

For number 4, which was to link SHAGER with MAS3AD *Manal+Sa3ad*, it got 10 votes...

NEXT STORY? Will be season 2 of SHARII<3
If you didn't get the chance to read sharii? Here is the link my lovlies...

Ummm what else?
Yeaaahhh before I forget, this chapter is dedicated to two gorgeous pies,

1- To the amazing, lovely, sweet, cute, chocolateness, Channel, Dior, honey, nutella, fruit pie, aeroish, caramel frappuccino @NoorNAseeri , I love you. I love you. I love you. I love youuuu!!!!

2- To? YOU!!! Yes my beautiful reader, this chapter is dedicated to you, for supporting me and for enjoying this and for EVERYTHINGGG!!
I swear I can't live a day without blogging:( It's like so addicting, it's like drugs okayyy? My aero, my baby, my everything!!<3.<3

In the story Sa3ad and Manal have been together for over 3 weeks now, just saying...

Yallah asket 3ashan you enjoy the post?
Ymaaa zain zain:( 5ala9 basket


Ouchh ouchhh ymaa kilatoonii 5ala9 zain basket-.- enjoy;p

Tara bs kint bagool I love you-.-
Lat zifoon:( I LOVE YOUUU GUYSSS!!

What the fudge...?

Manal closed her eyes and opened them again not believeing what she saw in front of her. She felt her stomach stirring steadily, hardening her chest as well as her arms while clutching on the jets handle. She pulled her lips inwards but her eyes still laid towards them.
At a distance she saw Leena sitting next to Sa3ad on the sand, he was facing one way and she was aiming to hold his hand, she was touching his wrist and shoulder, almost throwing herself on him. Her long black slacked curls touching his chest and her black eyes trying to make contact with him. She looked desperate to catch his attention, it was like she would do anything just so he would give her some attention and talk to her.
Manal's heart was threatening to jump out of her chest, she froze in her place and stared at them, her bottom lip quivering.

She tried looking around for the girls but there was no sign of Jawa, nor Noor or Lamaar. She looked around for her phone but then remembered that she left it on the bed after talking to Sa3ad. She clenched her teeth and fist so hard, her nails digging into her palms. Fury raced through her body, heating her to her very core and igniting a flame so hot within her heart.

She turned the jet, trying to move again, but it didn't work, it was out of fuel. She cursed herself for not listening to Sa3ad and staying back in the shaleh. She looked around in fear then started to yell, it was useless, it was like she talked to herself. No one could hear her, she was so far away.

She lifted her legs up and pulled them to her chest as she laid her head down and hugged herself.

Manal: "Ugggghhhhhh shoot me!!!" She growled.

"E777mm.." A mascular voice from behind her made her heart race, her heart was about to explode out of her rib cage, she quickly turned around to find a familiar face on a jet.

.....: "Mona? 97?"
Manal: "Laa:/"
......: "A555 nsait esmich, thakreeni,"
Manal: "A3arfik?" She looked pissed.
......: "Shfeech ma tithakarteeni? Ana 6alaal,"
Manal: "6alaal?" She asked in confusion.
6alaal: "Hmm ya3ne feech zahaymar aw ga3 tista3bi6ain?"
Manal: "Aaahhhh 6alaal el thareef ily kaan yt7arash bel jam3iya?" A sarcastic smile playing on her lips.
6alaal: "Aaahhh," He snickered, "Thareef? Okayyy, bs w rabee mo ga3 at7arash, neeti 9afya ya a5yy," He stated mockingly. "Zain shda3wa thakreeni, shsmich?!"
Manal: "Jahanaamm, ent shako?"
6alaal: "Asfeen bo jassom," His voice became more manly, "Shfeech shfeech? 5ala9 amshee ya3ni?"
Manal: "Ya3ne ya rait,"
6alaal: "Okay 3ayal dawreelich a7ad ysa3dich, mako banzeen 97?" He chuckled as he turned to make his way back.
Manal: "Hey la wait," She jolted out.
6alaal: "Asfa o5ooy ma akalem shabaab, wayy wayyy lat kalemnii, shako tet7arash?" He tried sounding like a girl.
Manal: "Uffffff," She rolled her eyes.
6alaal: "Ambaayy ambaayyy tara bagool 7ag o5ooy 3ashan ytigeegk," He imitated a girly tone as he laughed.

Manal wrapped her arms around her chest as she gave him a death stare.

Manal: "Are you done yet?"
6alaal: "Nope," He burst out laughing.
Manal :"La jad seriously? Are you ganna help me or not?"
6alaal: "Aaahhh el i5t titshara6 ba3ad,"
Manal: "Ista'3far allah, you know you can kind of be a bit helpful here instead of being such an idiot,"
6alaal: "A7777 el7een ana idiot?"
Manal: "Eeehh idiot w ni9 ba3ad,"
6alaal: "Okay okay, mara7 asa3dich yallah bye," He was about to move his jet.
Manal: "Heyyy la wait,"
6alaal: "Inzain shoofay asa3dich bs 3ala shar6!" He smiled.
Manal: "W shno hal shar6?!"
6alaal: "Umm ta36eeni ra8mich," He tilted his head giving her a genuine smile.
Manal: "Ahhh nithamik?!"
6alaal: "Fee mara a7ad galich ena rasich yabes w 3aneeda?"
Manal: "Fee mara a7ad galik enik maleeq w qatheeth?"
6alaal: "La mako,"
Manal: "Eeehh zain darait enhom yjamloonik, truth hurts baby,"
6alaal: "Rayaal esh6ooli ish3erthi etgooleli baby?!"
Manal: "Tadre shlon? Mo kafo a7ad ykalamik, ana basba7 layy shaleyhna, yallah farij,"
6alaal: "A7777 qaweyaaaaaaaa, aaahhhh ya3ne ana el shoja3a ely asba7,"
Manal: "Thareef wai3,"
6alaal: "Wayyy ambayyy la tit7arish,"
Manal: "Ugghhhh."
6alaal: "Hahaha zain 5ala9 basa3dich, rikbayy!"
Manal: "5air? Arkab?"
6alaal: "Ha 3ayal shlon?!"
Manal: "5alik meni w 3a6ne your jet, aroo7 ayeeb banzeen w aredlik,"
6alaal: "3abalich eni wayed metbaree men roo7i?!"
Manal: "Laish?!"
6alaal: "3ashan etroo7en w mat rideen ha?"
Manal: "Wayed 5ayef 3ala roo7ik?!"
6alaal: "Eeehhh roo7i '3alya 7abebtyy," He laughed.
Manal: "Hufff zain el7een shlon shlon ya3ni?!"
6alaal: "Madre entayy goleeli shlon shlon ya3ni," He imitated Manal.
Manal: "Ughhhh." She gave him a death stare, "Wait 3ade asta3mel teliphonik?!" Her eyes sparkled.
6alaal: "Mako ra9eed," He lied.
Manal: "Ma minik fayda zain,"
6alaal: "3adaaalllll,"
Manal: "Tara 3ade abche el7een okay?!" She pulled her legs up and hugged them to her chest, "7aar w abe ared w ta3abt,"

6alaal gazed at her, Manal was indeed beautiful, her rubby cheeks, her long wavy cinnamon hair, her luminous skin, her pinkish plump lips, her straight narrow nose, her arched eyebrows, flawless!!!!!

6alaal: "Ela ta3alay ma gilteeli shismich?!" He bared his teeth at her.
Manal: "Hufff,"
6alaal: "Shda3wa bakel esmich mathalan?!"
Manal: "Abee ared," Her eye sockets were getting filled with tears.
6alaal: "Hey la ma etifaqna tabcheen, ya bint el nas aredich el bait bs la tabcheen,"
Manal: "Tara babchee jad bs bared, abee o5ooy,"
6alaal: "La laaa la tabcheen hach hach ako ra9eed kent ga3 at'3ashmar,"
Manal: "Ambayyyy mo min 9ijikk!!" She pulled his phone and dialed some numbers, it kept ringing but no one answered. "Ma7ad ga3 yrid,"
6alaal: "Eehh mo 3ashan ma7ad yabeech, yaboon yftakoon menich," He tittered.
Manal: "Tara mat tha7ik kilishhhh!!!"
6alaal: "Zain 5ala9 rekbay waray wallah wa3d ma r7 asawe shay w mskeeni min foug,"
Manal: "Mabe arkaab,"
6alaal: "Tara wallah ma7ad beshoofich kelha digeegtain w to9leen,"
Manal: "Huffff zain zain,"

She jumped off her jet getting her clothes wet as tried getting on his jet, he stretched his warm masculine hands out to help her hop on. She placed her hands on his shoulder and tried not to stay close to him.

6alaal: "Shda3wa yoba wallah mani maklich," He smiled.
Manal: "Ridnee please please,"
6alaal: "Zain zain bs la tabcheen ma 3araftich 5awafa,"
Manal: "RIDNEE!!"
6alaal: "Ya rabee wallahh okayyy," He took her back to shaleh.

As they got closer she spotted Sa3ad sitting alone, as soon as Sa3ad laid his eyes on Manal he jolted up and his pupils widened.

Manal: "Mashkoor," Manal jumped off.

Sa3ad: "Manaaalll?!" He called at a distance as he came closer.
Manal: "Na3am?!" She turned to face him.
Sa3ad: "Ent mno?!" He looked at him, "Shlon rakba wiyaa?!" His voice got louder.
Manal: "Lat 9ari5 mo a9'3ar i3yalik ana, el jet mako banzeen w dagait ma7ad ga3 yrid, fa 6alaal shafne bel 9idfa w wa9alnee,"
Sa3ad: "Ba3ad et3arfeen esmaa?!"
Manal: "Ba3ad shno ya3ne wa9alnee," She fired back at him.
6alaal: "E77mmm ana ast2thin,"
Sa3ad: "Mashkoor mat ga9er," He didn't even look at 6alaal, his eyes were fixed on Manal.
6alaal: "El 3afo, yallah 3ayal ma3 el salama," He drove off.

Manal gave Sa3ad a disgusted look and ran into the shaleh as she made her way to her room, Sa3ad followed her.

Sa3ad: "Manal!!" He yelled,

She ignored him and entered her room.

Sa3ad: "Ga3 a7acheech ana," He pulled her arm as his fingers dug through her skin and she winched in pain.
Manal: "Aaayyyy hidnee," She tired pulling her arm away but his grip was strong.
Sa3ad: "Entay hablaa? Sh7aga terkibeen wiyaa?! Chan ni6artayy!!"
Manal: "Mo hatha eli hamik 9a7? Madre 3ad ya3ne mihtaam ent w 7abebat el galb,"
Sa3ad: "Eshga9dich?!" His fingers pushed deeper into her skin but not to deep to hurt her, just deep enough to control her movements.
Manal: "Ent fahim shno ga9dee," She fought back, her eyes flamming up in fire.
Sa3ad: "La mo fahim, fahmeeni," His eyes grew harder.
Manal: "7abeebat galbik ely kanat lazga feek, shway w etdish feek ba3ad,"  She plastered a sarcastic smile on her face.
Sa3ad: "Shako?!"
Manal: "La wallah?!"
Sa3ad: "Ga9rayy 7isich la7ad ysmi3ichhh!"
Manal: "Laish? 5ayif tijra7 masha3r 7abeebat el galb?" She was totally under the spell of jealousy.
Sa3ad: "Ana shasawee ya3nee? Ehya elzigat feeni!! Ba3dain lo kintay mo lahya ma3 7abeeb el galb chan shiftayy shno sawait feeha,"
Manal: "W lo ent ma kint lahii ma3 7abeebat el galb w tamait 3ala wa3dik enik etraqibnii chan ma 9aar ely 9aar," Her eyes spoke of raw emotions.

Sa3ad felt numb, he stared into Manal's eyes, her eye sockets were filling up with tears, threatening to fall over. They spoke of raw emotions, emotions of pain, jealousy and loneliness but her tongue spoke of strength and anger. It struck him strongly and his heart ached for her. His anger was washed away as he got closer to her.

Manal: "Wa5r," She said croaky in a low tone as she pushed her fingers on his chest. He ignored her and came closer taking her breath away as he left just inches between them. She grew feeble against the hardness of his chest.

Sa3ad slowly pressed his warm thumb against Manal's cheeks as he gently wiped her tears.

Manal: "Shtabee? Bs wa5r!" She muttered in a low tone as she hardened her small fingers on his chest.
Sa3ad: "Ya3ne el7een et'3areen?!" He gave her a half sexy smile.
Manal: "Sh7aga a'3ar? Min Leena? La 7alaal 3alaik,"
Sa3ad: "9ij? 7alaal 3alay?! Yallah baroo7 ata6aman 3alaiha w aridlich," He was about to turn around before she pulled his arm. "Shfeech?!" He tried hiding his smile.
Manal: "Eeehhh ma 9adagt 3ala allah agoolik roo7 ha?! 5ala9 yallahh roo7 roo7, aw agoolik ana aroo7 anadeelik yaha," She smiled sarcastically as she made her way to the door.
Sa3ad: "Manal!!" He pulled her arm stopping her from exiting the room. "Laish ga3 net'hawash?!"
Manal: "Madre 3anik ent kela bs tabe tet'hawash, arba3 w 3ishreen sa3a i9ra5 w zaff, ana eshsawait? Sa3ad wallah ta3abt wallah bs 5ala9 ir7am eb 7ali!!!"
Sa3ad: "Ma-anal," He croaked.
Manal: "Sa3ad I think we should take a break from each other," She stuttered.
Sa3ad: "SHNO?!" He yelled in shock.

Her words stung him painfully, he felt like someone ripped his heart apart, like he was about to lose everything.

My Own Area...

Do you know a life of loneliness and one filled with pain
living a life with nothing to gain. Surrounded by darkness
Overwhelmed with shame. A life without peace with no one to blame.

Do you know of a place unseen, a place that holds only shattered dreams, A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight, I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold, this is the place I call my soul. A place without hope or comforting dreams, a life not worth living wouldn't it seem

Do you know of a life, that should have never been, and the feeling that today, this life has to end. One more day of sadness is much too hard to bare, I am tired of living a life of heart ache and despair.

Do you know a person with so much pain inside, or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries, maybe when the tears are gone, and I can clearly see, the only question left will be..

I hope you enjoyed!!
I'm so so so sorry for the cliffhanger:c
Don't forget to give me feedback, love you all<3


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chapter 28 - Colorful Love

Hala bel zaiiinnnn!!!
Wallah missingggg 7ail 7ail 7aaaiiilllll:o
Shoofaw ana shlon 3ajeeba?:( Hatha w I have exams w I'm posting:'(

For those who are asking...
Yes, I am doing well in my exams and I'll be totally done on Thursday enshallah:D

And for those who are asking for a girls post? Inshallah right after my exam, writing a girl post takes time cause I need to do so much research and ask many people and try things and then sum it all up in a post:(

I had so much difficulties writing this post cause I'm having a blogger block:( Meaning = No ideas are colliding in my head, meee7777, kilishhh kilissshhhhh!!!

Hmmm shno ba3ad? Eehhhhh I missed you all!! Wayed wayed wayedddd<3
I missed posting so much:(

Oh and I got a lovely name to group up Sa3ad and Manal:D
It was from a lovely reader, I really can't remember who she is either can I remember her username:( I'm so sorry hun wallah nsait, my exams pressure is making me get amnesia, bs I told her I'm using it, *If your reading this? Please DM me:c sorry wallah nsait mno entay:(*
So the name is????!!!
MAS3AD!!!:D Almost like *Sa3ada* meaning *Happiness*

Okay I'll stop talking now and let you enjoy the chapter cause if I don't my beautiful readers will kill me:')

It's been such a long day, I just came back from my long, thick, dense exam and I am devastated, so please if you love me and my story make my day and comment below, wallah it would make me smile and make my day, please? 3ashanii?:( Okayy?:o A7IBKOOMMMM!!!!!

YOU GUYS ARE? AMAAAZZIINNNNGGG OKAYYY OKAYYY? I love you all, enjoy the chapter lovelies xx

Sa3ad's point of view...

Her eyes were shut, she was dancing around the room. She twirled not knowing that I was standing near the door, peaking at her, looking at her with a smile plastered on my face. The music blasted out of the loudspeaker, she kept dancing, her heart carried her. The cool breeze entagled itself in her hair, it was like she was flying. She closed her eyes and kept swirling around. Her cinnamon hair getting blowed. She was wearing the cutest summer dress along with blue glittered truffle heels. I stared at her deeply, it seemed like rivers of brown and cinnamon long hair flowed through her head, it sparkled reflecting light rays, it looked like a million crystals and diamonds were embedded in it.

She suddenly felt that someone was staring at her so she gently turned around and her face flushed in shyness as her pupils widdened watching me stand by the door with my head laid on the mahogany wood. I slowly tilted my head down keeping my eyes on her as I gave her a sexy half smile. I watched her face turn lava red and her hands shake. She was shocked, her face went pale, embarrassment was written all over her.

The colours of the forest green and brown wood were mixed around her pupils, the colours glistering. She stole my breath away. I felt my heart beats accelerate as I genuinely gazed at her, it was as if her eyes got me hypnotized. How did I get so lucky? I thought to myself.
Her lips were like a frozen rose, dangerous but beautiful.

Manal: "I6la3 baraaa," She reached for a pillow and threw it at me.

I chuckled and crossed my arms indicating that I wasn't going to leave.

Manal: "I6la333 i6la3!!! Sa3ad!!!!" She walked towards me and pushed her small soft fingers on my chest trying to push me out. "Min 9ijii!!! Get out!!!" She tried to look angry but her eyes said a whole other story. "I never want to talk to you okay okayyy?" She continued to push me and I just chuckled. "Huffff I seriously hate you now, I6LA3 BARAAA!!!" Her forehead furrowed.

Sa3ad: "You're stunning.." I whispered.
Manal: "Get out out outtttttt!!! EL7EEENNNNN!!!" I laughed harder at how desperate she looked about me leaving.
Sa3ad: "Inzain 5ala9 5ala9 ba6la3," I smiled as I made my way out and she pushed her small fingers on my back making me move out faster.

She quickly closed the door and locked it, I couldn't help myself but laugh at how cute she was.


Manal: "Eshtegt 7ag ree7at baitnaa," She frowned.

Suddenly someone yelled..

......: "ZAIN W E7NAA???!"

Manal quickly turned around to find Jawa and Leena standing with their bags.

Manal: "Aaahhhhhhhhhh Jawaaaaa Leeenaaaaa!!!!" She ran and hugged them.
Bader: "Lat 7aseseeni ena 9arlich sina ma shifteehom-.- ana lo a'3eeb 3anich dahaar matsaween chithy!"
Rakan: "W ka yebtlich yahom.." Rakan walked in.
Manal: "A7ibik okay okayyy?!" She ran and hugged him.
Rakan: "Manool mo gader atnafaas," He snickered.
Manal: "Sorry sorry," She quickly moved away and ran to Jawa and Leena. "Yallah emshaw foug 3ashan et7i6oon a'3rathkom w ba3dain en6eb el ba7aar,"
Jawa: "Shfeech shway shway 3alaina tawna wa9leen,"

Noor: "Ya jama3a shno el '3adaa?!" Noor yelled as she walked in, "Jawa? Leena? Entaw min meta ehnee?!" She asked in shock.
Lamaar: "Chna sima3t Jawa w Leena," She ran down the stairs.
Leena: "Bsmeelaaahhh! Shfeekom tawna wa9leen!"
Manal: "Yallaaahhhh emshawww,"
Noor: "Wain?!"
Manal: "JETSSSS!!!"
Lamaar: "Halla oboooyyyy<3.<3"
Remas: "Abee aroo7 wiyaakom!" She gave Manal an innocent look.
Manal: "Ramoos may9eer, 5a6aar!"
Remas: "Huffff!!" She frowned.

They went upstairs and changed to ride their jets. Manal checked her phone to find a whatsapp from Sa3ad,

Sa3ad: "Bit6ibeen el ba7ar?"
Manal: "Umm yimken laish?"
Sa3ad: "Mako(:"
Manal: "Laish?(:"
Sa3ad: "L2ana ana gilt,"
Manal: "Sa3ad tara malaait jad, kil shay la2:c"
Sa3ad: "Ya3ne bet3andeen?!"
Manal: "Male 5ilg at'hwash bs 3ad Sa3ad,"
Sa3ad: "Ma r7 terkibeen!!!"
Manal: "R7 arkab;)"
Sa3ad: "El salfa salfat i3nad?!"
Manal: "La2! El salfa ena 5a6ree arkab!!"
Sa3ad: "Gi3dayy shoofay TV, timashay 3al ba7ar, jets? MAKO!"
Manal: "Sa3ad please tikfa wallah 5a6ree feeh, Sa3ad:("
Sa3ad: "Mmm.."
Manal: "Sa3ad yallah 3ad, entaw r7 etkonoon mawjooden oo ma r7 aroo7 eb3eed, w kela jet tara wallah ma r7 y9eer shay!"
Sa3ad: "Ako shabaab min shalayhaat thanya!"
Manal: "Zain w ana shako feehom?! Sa3ad tikfa please please please wallahhh 5a6ree feeh,"
Sa3ad: "Hmm.."
Manal: "3ashanii?:("
Sa3ad: "Shno ebtalbiseen?!"
Manal: "Short o eblooza, 3ade ya3ni:p"
Sa3ad: "Short? Ya3ne lay wain?"
Manal: "Short Sa3ad, ya3ne bikoon layy wain?!"
Sa3ad: "Libsay 3abayaa:)"
Manal: "Seriously?-.-"
Sa3ad: "Eeehhh seriously,"
Manal: "Wai3 zain wai3, mabe mabe, kelihom r7 yalbisoon shorts:O"
Sa3ad: "Entay mo kelihom, entay Manal,"
Manal: "Ma 3endi 3abayaa:)"
Sa3ad: "5ala9 3ayal mo ela etroo7en,"
Manal: "Ughh."
Sa3ad: "Shfeech?"
Manal: "I hate you so freakin' much okay?! La3at chabde jad!"
Sa3ad: "A7san,"

Manal felt like killing him, she was so pissed. She decided to skip him and wear what she wanted, but before she could reach for her shorts her phone rang.

She looked at the screen and found Sa3ad's number, she didn't answer.

A few minutes later she received a whatsapp..

Sa3ad: "Pick up."
Manal: "5air?"
Manal: "Male 5ilg,"
Sa3ad: "Chub w ta3alay darii,"
Manal: "Yanait 97?!"
Sa3ad: "Ta3alay lat 7ateen mako a7ad,"
Manal: "Mabee!"
Sa3ad: "Etha ma yaitayy r7 ayeey 3indich,"
Manal: "Low yait ya wayylik!!"
Sa3ad: "Watch me!"
Manal: "Sa3ad mo min 9ijikkkk!!! La tiyeey,"
Sa3ad: "Zain ta3alayy shway bs,"
Manal: "Shtabee feeni?"
Sa3ad: "Ta3alyy w betshoofen, You have 2 minutes, if you don't come? I'm coming.."

He quickly went offline not letting her type another word.

She grabbed her blanket and ran to Sa3ad's room. She found him standing infront of the door.

Manal: "5air?!"
Sa3ad: "Hach," He threw at her wrapped up clothes.
Manal: "Shno hatha?!" She looked confused.
Sa3ad: "Hathail ihdoomi, lebseehom, tara bs 3ashan 5a6rech terkibeen wela chan ma 5alaitich, u9lan mo rathe ana," He left not saying another word.

Manal stared speechlessly, she just wanted to run and hug him but she held herself.

She ran back to her room and looked at what he gave her, there was a huge black Hollister t-shirt along with really big bright blue shorts. She pulled the clothes closer to her and sniffed them, they smelled like Sa3ad, that strong, concentrated, muscular smell.

She quickly held her phone and was about to whatsapp him but he did first,

Sa3ad: "You wear them both, the t-shirt and blue shorts, the short is a stretch and you can tie it from the top, it might be a bit baggy,"
Manal: "Do you know how much I love you?!"
Sa3ad: "I know that you hate me so freakin' much o ena la3at chabdich mini;)"
Manal: "S3aaaddd:("
Sa3ad: "Esmee Sa3ad.."
Manal: "S3aaadddd!!!"
Sa3ad: "??"
Manal: "I love you so freakin' much:( I didn't mean it wallah:o"
Sa3ad: "I know<3 R7 ara8bich, lat roo7en eb3eed w lat 6awleen wayed, 15 minutes w tanzileen,"
Manal: "15 mins bs?!:c"
Sa3ad: "Tabeen a5aleeha 5 mins?:)"
Manal: "30 minutes!!!"
Sa3ad: "20!!! And it ain't changing,"
Manal: "Ughhhh. You're amazing zain?!"
Sa3ad: "You love me?"
Manal: "Do you have a doubt in that?"
Sa3ad: "Nope, but do you?"
Manal: "Yes:o"
Sa3ad: "Then call me and tell me it;)"
Manal: "Sa3ad;@"
Sa3ad: "I'm joking, ready?!"
Manal: "Yess!!"
Sa3ad: "I?"
Manal: "Love?"
Sa3ad: "You<3"
Manal: "Always?"
Sa3ad: "Will!!"
Manal: "Alwaysss?"
Sa3ad: "Have<3"

Yes, this is how they ended their chats..
They disagreed on almost everything, but they truly loved each other more that anything.

She quickly got dressed and left her long wavy hair naturally down, she dabbed on light make up and then walked out to the hall way of the shaleh trying to look for the girls. The shaleh was so quiet. She heard squeaky low whispers..

Noor: "Entayy shfeech? Eeeh wallah sima3t'ha eb ithoonii!!"
Lamaar: "Ma a9adiq mosta7eel, la la, elaa...."

Manal walked in...

Manal: "Shno ely mosta7eel?!"
Lamaar: "Manool sh.." Noor interrupted her.
Noor: "Sh-shno el '3ada," It was obvious that Noor didn't want Manal to find out what was going on.

Lamaar stared at Noor in confusion but then she realized what Noor meant.

Lamaar: "Eehh umm shno el '3ada?!" She faked a smile.
Manal: "Shfeekom? 9ayr shay?!"
Noor: "La kilish mako shay bs kna ga3 ensolif 3ade chii,"
Manal: "Umm okayy," Curiosity filled her.
Noor: "Yallah emshaw nerkab el jets,"
Lamaar: "Eeehhh yallllaaaahhhh!!"

Leena and Jawa walked in...

Jawa: "Shlabsa entayy?!" She asked.
Manal: "Ha? 3ade ya3ni shno ihdoom!"
Leena: "Mal mno hatha?!" She asked quickly, her face full of raw emotions.
Manal: "Umm mal obooy, ya3ni 3ade!"
Jawa: "Laish mo labsa short??!"
Lamaar: "Kaifha ya a5yy, talbes ely tabee,"
Jawa: "Zain lat 9ar5een-.-"

Leena was acting a bit weird, she kept quiet, not the usually social Leena. She kept staring at Manal's clothes in a weird way, her eye sockets were filled with raw emotions..
They walked downstairs,

Bader: "Ha 5ala9 r7 terkiboon?!" He glared at Jawa.
Manal: "Eehhh!!" She smiled.
Jassim: "Zain emshaw,"
Noor: "Wain Rakan?!"
Bader: "Baraa ga3ed 3al ba7ar,"

They walked outside to the sea and rode their jets as they drove off.


What the fudge.....?

My Own Area...

الدنيا مشوار طويل
فيها؟ الصعب
وفيها؟ السهل
وفيها؟ المستحيل

 إنك تلاقي حد يجرح فيك
إنك تلاقي حد يحس فيك اذا كنت متضايق
أما المستحيل؟
فهو إنك تلاقي حد يمسح دمع عينيك ويبيع الدنيا ويشتريك

أجمل مافي الطفل؟ البراءة
أجمل مافي الليل؟ الهدوء
أجمل مافي البحر؟ الجبروت
أقوى لغات العالم؟ الصمت
أبلغ لغات العالم؟ الدمع

الافراط في اللين؟ ضعف
الافراط في الضحك؟ خفه
الافراط في الراحه؟ خمول
الافراط في المال؟ تبذير
الافرط في الحذر؟ وسواس
إكرام النسب؟ حسن الادب

اصعب كلمة؟ هي الكمال
احلى كلمة؟ هي السلام
اخر كلمة؟ هي الموت
افضل الانتقام؟ هو الغفران
اقصى النار؟ هي الشوق
اعظم كنز؟ الفضيلة
اشد عذاب؟ هو الضمير

ثلاث أشخاص يطيحون من العين؟
شخص لأجل كلام الناس يخليك
شخص يجاملك وأهو أصلا مايبيك
شخص وقت المصالح يجيك

أجمل عباره؟
اللي يعرفك زين مستحيل يفهمك غلط 
 (( أن الاعمال بالنيات ))

أجمل دعاء؟
(( اللهم أغسل قلوب المسلمين من الحقد والحسد ))

I hope you enjoyed this chapter..
I swear this chapter took so much time from me, I've been typing from 6pm and it's almost 1am now..
Don't forget to give me feedback xx
Love you all<3