Heyyy everyone <3
How is your studying? How is everything? Hope your doing well, shedaw 7ailkom, nabee A's:D
Please bare with me, I'm really sick and tired, fever, flu, headache, cough, ya3ne ma boga shay ma 7ashnee=)) El7amdellah, Inshallah I feel better as soon as possible to post fast:D
This chapter is dedicated to two people:
1- To the pretty @ASulaimanT , It was her birthdayyyy, happy birthday babyyy, kel 3aam w entayy eb 5air, 3o2baal el3mr kelaaahhh ya rab, I LOVE YOU TO BITSSSS!!!<3
2- To the beautiful Amina Al Helal, I love you, you're such an amazing person, and your comments? MAKE MY DAYYYY!!!!
Okay so I'll let you enjoy but before I want you to read something REALLYYYY IMPORTANT!!!
Listen guys, I asked about *Crohn's disease* w 6ala3 there are other things, so I decided to do my own version of *Crohn's disease*, 3ad entaw mashaw okay? Ya3ne mo kel shay 9a7 from the things I write about the disease, I just want to spice up the story and make it interesting, okayyy? Ya3ne mashaw entaw, it's just a story.
ALSO!!!!!! This story? IS 100% IMAGINATION!!! Okayyy? I totally mean 100%, not one thing is true, it is fully out of my wild imagination.
Love you all<3
"Heeyyy heeyyyy mo chi ydishoon bel nas," The voice made Manal jump, she quickly turned around to apologize, but as soon as she laid her eyes on the person, not a word came out of her mouth, she was shocked.
"6alaal.." Manal gasped.
"Ohhhh Mona?!" 6alaal played a smile on his lips.
"Esmi mo Mona," Manal hardened her eyes as she gave him a look.
"Uffff laish kela ansa esmich, Manaar? Maryam? Maha?" 6alaal tried guessing.
"La2, mo ela et3aref esmi," Manal turned around.
"Ahhh zain tara entay ely dasha feeni ya3ne el mafrooth ti3tathrain," 6alaal held his laugh.
Manal turned around to face him, "Asfa," She shot him a death stare then gave him her back.
"Entayy shfeech?!" 6alaal made his way in front of her to face her, "Tara ana sa3atich bel jet w da3ma feeni ba3ad w ma gilt shay,"
"Zain 5ala9 gilna mashkoor w gilna asfeen," Manal sighed.
"Zain agool eshyaybich meni?!" 6alaal asked.
"W ent shako? Hatha ily nagi9," Manal got irritated.
"Yallah 3ad shsmich? Tara kela esm ya3ne ma r7 abooga, ma r7 a56ifa,"
"Thareef, tara damik thegeel," Manal glared at him.
"A7san 3ashan layy bogoona," 6alaal gave her a charming smile.
"Eeehhh," 6alaal smiled again.
"Uffff uffff ent wain ma roo7 ashoofik?" Manal moaned.
"Correction, entayyy elyy la7gatnee," 6alaal winked at her.
"Shno shno shnoooo? Ana? Laish? Ma6googa 3ala rase wela shno? Sh7aga al7igik?" Manal roared.
"3ashan mo3jaba feeni," 6alaal smirked as he exhaled a doze of carbon dioxide.
"Ana? Mo3jaba feek? ENTA?!!" Manal's pupils widened. "Min kithr el jamal wela min kithr el e7teram wela min kithr shno? Hatha eb a7lamik okayy?!" Manal crossed her arms around her chest.
"The more you deny it, the more it's true," 6alaal was so cold, he was smiling the whole way.
"Lat a2lef quotes 3ala kaifik," Manal was extremely pissed.
"Inzain el esm el kareem?!" 6alaal asked again as he blocked her way.
"Shag7aa, Egmaasha, Ergayaa, Wasmeeya, bs farijjj ya a5yy," Manal pushed him slightly as she made her way to collect her order.
"Ya3ne lazim a'3neelich i'3niyat Majed ElMohands 3ashan etgoolelii?!" 6alaal followed her.
"Lat '3aneeli shay, farij 3ane, hedni ebroo7i w bs!!" Manal was pulling tissues and placing them on the tray.
"Sa7arne 7alaha w galbee hawaha w ebtalaa arakith waraha w adawer rithaha ya mala," 6alaal was singing.
"Usshhh usshhhh fashaltnaa, yr7am omik 5ala9," Manal hissed.
"Anadee ya 7i9a emneera jowaher ya maha, 3ala balee tathreb w yi6la3 ma3aya esmahaa," 6alaal tried holding his chuckle.
"Ughhhhhh," Manal carried the tray and walked away.
"Adoor el showari3 a6ale3 w thayagt el bashar, y5anegnee hatha w hatha w mo jayeb 5abaar, anadee ya sara ya noora ya haifa ya amal, 3asaha tijaweb w alagee lihatha il galb 7aal," 6alaal ignored her.
"6alaal i7na eb mostashfa, ga9er 7isik, r7 ya6ridoonik el7een, 5alaa999999 isket," Manal seethed.
"Betgoolenli esmich wela shlon?!" 6alaal snickered.
"Manal, esme Manal yallah emsh min ehnee," Manal pushed him away gently making her way to the elevators.
"Zain laish yayaa el mostashfa?!" 6alaal asked as Manal pressed the up button and waited impatiently for the elevator's doors to open.
Manal faced him, "Estath 6alaal hatha mo shi'3lek, 3ade tamshe min ehne, mabe mashakel,"
Dingggg! The elevator doors opened.
Manal quickly rushed in and pressed one of the buttons wanting it to close quickly.
"Manal ni6rayy," 6alaal was about to walk in but the doors closed.
"T25art 3alaik?!" Manal peeked into the room. She found Sa3ad laying down with his eyes shut, he was asleep. Manal walked in and placed the tray on a near table as she made her way closer to Sa3ad. He was fast asleep, exhaling and inhaling deeply, his face was pale, he looked so tired and weak. She looked down at the angelic, peaceful face then slowly grabbed the thick blanket nearby and tucked him in. Sa3ad moved slightly pulling the blanket closer.
Manal sat down and stared at him thinking of the disease, Crohn's disease, She was petrified at the thought of him doing a surgery. Watching him, remembering all their times made her feel like someone tore her heart out of her chest and squeezed it with their long sharp nails, digging deep inside. It ached her badly, she glanced at him, his black messy, un-combed hair, his slender but muscular not to much just enough were he can pack a punch, his big ruff hands, she stared at him deeply and one thing popped into her head, He's mine.
A smile drew on her face and in no time she had her head on the edge of the bed and she was sound asleep.
"Goomaw goomawwww," A annoying childish voice yelled.
"Mmmmm," Manal moved slightly.
"Yallaahhh Manal yallaahhh Sa3ad," Remas pulled both Sa3ad and Manal's arms.
"Remas hideehom 7araam mat shoofenhom ta3baneen," Jawa stated.
"Zain ga3daw Manal bs, Sa3ad 5aloo nayim, oho el ta3baan," Leena spoke.
"La2 hedoohom thnainhom," Noor ordered.
"Mabee mabee abyy Manal etgoom w abyy Sa3ad ygoom," Remas nagged.
"9aba7 el 5air," Sa3ad opened his eyes slowly as he drew a faint smile on his face.
"9aba7 el noor, shlonik el7een? Fee shay y3awerik?!" Leena rushed to his side.
"La2 la2 mafeeni shay," Sa3ad said.
"Zain laish yabook meni? Shfeek? 3asa ma shar?!" Lamaar asked.
"La bs ma5eth bared," Sa3ad lied.
"Feeni wala feek," Leena sat down on the bed. She wasn't even shy or ashamed. Noor shot her a death stare but she ignored her.
"Haha eb 3adowik wala feek," Noor pinched Leena.
"Aaaayyyyy," Leena winced, "Ana shgelt ya3ne? Hufff,"
"U-umm wain Bader?!" Sa3ad asked getting annoyed that he was surrounded by girls.
"Raa7 eyeeb f6oor," Jawa smiled.
"Laish cham el sa3a?!" Sa3ad asked.
"3asher w ni9," Lamaar replied.
Sa3ad searched for Manal then he noticed that she was fast asleep on his side, her hair covering almost all her face with her head placed on the edge of the bed and her arms around it.
"Manal goomay basich noom, gi6a3 kela nayma," Leena growled at her in disgust.
"Ussshhhhhh ga9rayy 7isich, shtabeen feeha, 5aleeha etnaam, mskeena 6ool el layl ga3da," Sa3ad shut Leena.
"Heyyy laish etgoolen 3an Manal chithy, entay eshtabeen?!" Remas pushed Leena.
"Bsmeelllaaahhh kelatooni shfeekom, ma gilt shay ana," Leena crossed her arms.
"Lamaar allah y5aleech, pwease pweasee wadeeni ta7at ashteerli 7alaw, allah y5aleech Lamaar," Remas pouted to Lamaar as she begged her to take her down to buy some sweets.
"Remas entay ba6nich 3ibaraa 3an jam3iyat 7alaaw," Noor teased her.
"7abebty el7een Bader biyeeb if6oor, itha kilataay 7alaaw ma r7 takleen if6oor," Lamaar bent down to Remas's level to eye contact her.
"Remaso ta3alay," Sa3ad called.
"Tara shoof bs 3ashan ent mareeth r7 asma3 kalamik," Remas made her way to Sa3ad.
"Tabeen 7alaw?!" Sa3ad smirked.
"Eeehhh please please please," Remas gave him an innocent look.
"Zain awal booseni meni," Sa3ad held his hand out.
"Sa3aaddd," Remas crossed her arms.
"Zain menii," Sa3ad held out his other hand.
"Offf offffff," Remas dabbed her foot against the concrete floor.
"Zain 5ala9 5ala9 bs et5al9een akel a36eech," Sa3ad laughed.
"Bs Ana abyy el7een," Remas insisted.
Suddenly Manal slowly lifted her head as she pressed her hand against her yawning mouth. She rubbed her fist against her eyes then looked up to find the girls and Sa3ad.
"9aba7 el 5air," Sa3ad smiled.
"9aba7 el noor," Manal smiled back, but her smile faded away as she caught Leena sitting on the bed.
"A5eeran gimtayyy? Kel hatha noum?!" Leena glared at Manal.
"Wain Bader?!" Manal ignored Leena as she faced the other girls.
Suddenly the door knob turned and in came Bader with two plastic food bags in his hand.
"Ohhh gimt? 9a7 el noum," Bader grinned as he placed the bags on the table. "Yallah iklaaw,"
The girls gave out the food and ate their breakfast.
"Manal," Leena gasped making Manal jump.
Manal let go of the hot cup of coffee that she was adding sugar to and faced Leena, "Shfeech?!" Manal asked.
"U-umm ba'3ait as2lich sha'3la bs," Leena stated as she flicked hair.
"Eehh si2laayy," Manal was curious.
"Fee shay bainich entay w Sa3ad? Madre ya3ne kela ydafi3 3anich w mehtam feech," Leena breathed.
"La2, mabaina shay, yetrawalich, oho nafs o5ooy," Manal lied.
"Ashwaa," Leena bared her teeth at Manal.
"Shno ashwaa? Ya3ne laish?" Manal lifted an eye-brow.
"La2 ya3ne entay nafs i5tyy w el mafrooth etgoolenli kel shay fa 3abali 5asha 3ani shay,"
"La2 lat 7ateen mo 5asha shay 3ainich bs entay ily shaklich 5asha shay," Manal winked at Leena and drew a smile on her face as she hit Leena's arm playfully. Manal smiled outside but died from inside.
Leena giggled shyly, "Eehh bs lat goolen 7ag a7ad okayy?" Leena smiled shyly.
Oho boga a7ad ma dara?
"Lat 7ateen goolay goolay," Manal faked a smile.
"Ya3ne u-umm ana mo3jabaa eb Sa3ad, sha59eeta wayed 7elwa w kalama w kel shay 3ana, a7es ya3ne madre, bs ma ya36eeni wayh madre shasawe," Leena frowned. Her words went into Manal's heart like a sharp knife, Manal held back her tears.
"Ahaa, wallah madre shagoolich, u-umm yimken y7eb wa7da thanya," Manal tried to act normal, she didn't want Leena to notice that she was dying from inside.
"Et9adgeen? Kalamich 97, shakla chii, bs 9ibrayy 3alaay, r7 ayeeb rasaa, ana Leena," Leena winked at Manal and Manal's mouth formed a slight 'o' as her eyes widened in shock.
"La2 la2 Leena, mo min 9ijich, 7araam 3alich, entay bent eshzeenich, itha may 7ebich oho el5asraan, lat saween chethi!!" Manal jolted out trying her best not to give her best friend a laser glare.
"Shfeech? Ma r7 asaweela shay, ma r7 a'9era oho," Leena's eyes were filled with envy and hatred.
"Bsmeellaaahhh Leenoo lat saween shay, 7araam 3alich, yimken y7ebha jad," Manal was frightened, she felt her heart beats accelerate as she stared into Leena's chocolate devilish eyes.
"Ana lama a7i6 a7ad eb rasee ayeeba ya3ne ayeeba," Leena growled with laughter. Manal quickly brushed off Leena as she took her cup of coffee and rushed to the elevator making her way up.
My Own Area...
Today? My Own Area is OUR Own Area...
El mawthoo3 oho?
"Kelman yetmana shay, kelman weda eb shay, kelman 5a6ra ysawe shay, bs shno hal shay? Thalath ashya2 bs, timanaw ay shay, ely taboona, bs thalath omniyaat.. Shno ti5taroon?!"
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