Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chapter 2 - Endless Love

I hope you enjoyed my last chapter, this is my second post today, hope you enjoy.
Just for your information I didn't steal anyones ideas, I love the name Shoug and my story is totally different.


I couldn't wait until class finished.

At last class finished and I got out trying to go look for the guy I bumped into earlier. I am sure we switched phones by mistake.

I could hear my friend Farah calling me, so I turned around to face her.

Farah: "Shooooug,"
Shoug: "Halla Farooh, sorry bs nsait shay r7 aroo7 ayeeba, w ba3dain I'll catch up with you ok?!"
Farah: "Ok, I'll be waiting with the girls,"
Shoug: "Ok,"

I turned aroung to continue looking for that tall figure I bumped in earlier, then suddenly the blackberry vibrated, it was ringing.
I looked at the phone, to find that it was my number.
I quickly answered...

Tall figure: "Aloo"
Shoug: "Aloo"
Tall figure: "Sorry, bs ma3ay Shoug 97?"
Shoug: "Ee, I think we switched phones earlier, where can I meet you?"
Tall figure: "I will be near the fountain,"
Shoug: "Ok, I'll be there in 5 minutes,"

I began to walk towards the fountain.

I eventually got there and saw the tall figure standing near the fountain waiting for me, he had his back towards me.

I walked towards him, and didn't know what to say, or how to call him.

So I just said: "Law sima7t?"
Tall Figure: "Hi, ana asfa wallah mo 8a9dee,"
Shoug: "Laa 3adee, I am sorry too," My face was turning red.
Tall Figure: "Btw esmi 3bdallah," He smiled.
Shoug: "3ashat il asami,"

I had to excuse myself because it was getting really weird.

Shoug: "Lazim aro7,"
3bdallah: "Wait, ummmm.."

I stared at him, smiling, with my lava red face.

3bdallah: "Your phone,"

He handed me my phone, and I took out his phone and handed it over.

I excused my self and walked towards my friends.

Finally it was time to go home, I rode the car with Komar and Marry.

At last home,

I entered to find Jaber in front of me..

Jaber: "Shoouuuugoooo, shlonich, shlon il jam3a?"
Shoug: "Wanasa," I smiled.
Jaber: "R7ty gazatay ha?" He gave me a look.
Shoug: "Yup," I laughed.
Jaber: "Ana a3almich, itgezeen ha... Wallah my baby sister 9arat mara,"
Shoug: "Ooooohooooooo!!! 5al abdl malabsy, brb,"
Jaber: "Ana ma 3indy sowalf "brb", thilfay 3an wayhee," He laughed

I went upstairs to change cause I was hungry and it was a sunny day. I took out my phone to check it and suddenly I received something from BBM!!!

It was an invite on BBM from .................................................!!!

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